42 / 45
Dec 2018

This is a great idea I only sub to series I would legitimately read on my own anyways.

aight bet dud3!
I'm ready for new comics now that all my favorites are finished

Generally it doesn't help as much because if you sub but never visit, it doesn't help things as much. Plus the thread did state "Not sub for sub", so it kinda goes against things. You are welcome to start your own thread though to do sub for sub for those interested!

Lemme sneak in mine here. :smiley:

I'm gonna start reading those comics! Here's mine:

I drop in my novels too, I guess.
(By the way @Sketchylinez, @rmdooley unfortunatelly I cannot subscrube twice, but I sure can drop a like on the new pages :wink: )

Bumping this back up so those who didnt get looks can have a chance again

Thats a wonderful idea for a thread, I will definately check out as many works as I can!

Here is mine:

cool idea

i dont have my manga up yet but ill check Legio Arcana

looks intresting

7 months later

So many great comics here, check mine :slight_smile:

or Tapas

I will. And I will read and support with my heart is I like it... Can’t wait to see what you have