36 / 121
Oct 2020

Any information in regards to Copyright? That is if one already has their book copyright'd but is not formally published or distributed? Who holds the rights to the Copyright once submitted and accepted? Would this contract make the work become an exclusive to the distribution of Tapas only?

We're here to answer any and all questions! Thanks for asking.

You'd be pitching for consideration for our Premium Program, which means after a certain number of free-to-read episodes, later ones would be paid. And yes, you'll receive some marketing help, as well! Hope this clarifies.

Thank you for saying this!
I am in the process of rewriting my chapters, but I'd like to let my friend go over them first for grammar before sending them through. And these things often take a while.
So, I understand that we'd have to use the parts we'd use for tapas?

My chapters vary from 2.5k word to 4.5k words, so I split them up to work with tapas.
Meaning some chapters get split in two or three parts.
Do I sent through 5 full chapters in this case or only 5 parts (meaning two full chapters)

Sorry if you have already answered this before.

For the plot outline, is it okay if we use bullet points or something like that? I'm used to traditional novel synopsis writing and I'm struggling to get my page and a half synopsis down to 400 words. :sweat_smile:

Also, when you say plot outline, you mean more like a synopsis, where the whole arc of the book is described and less like a query letter, correct? If not, I will happily send a query instead, which would actually be the right length without fussing, lol.

Thank you so much for being here answering all these questions! You are a rockstar!!!

Bullet points are fine—I understand the struggle of chopping down a synopsis! And yes, if should definitely be more of a synopsis, so we know where the story's headed.

Thanks! :blush: Happy to do it, especially if it means getting to read some excellent new novels!

Hi, everybody! I'm logging off for a bit, but will be back later to answer any new or missed questions. Thank you so much for your responses so far! :grin:

I might try pitching Thorn Arena. Oh boy this is going to take a long time to get to. Hopefully eventually!

Ah, I do have a question.
What file type is preferred for the attachment?
Thank you for your time!

Personally, I like Word docs, but Google docs and PDFs are also absolutely fine!

We're happy to work with creators on both exclusive and non-exclusive contracts, so if you have a project that's already available elsewhere, you can absolutely submit it!

With Premium, the authors retain the rights to their novel (and creators to their comics). We offer both exclusive and non-exclusive contracts!

It varies for each novel and depending on what our marketing team thinks will work best, but marketing efforts can include things like inclusion in sales, push notifications to readers, banners on the Tapas site, or social media posts.

Thank you for the gracious invite. I will consider it. Best regards.

p.s. In 77 days, I penned a 150-page screenplay that had over 174 scenes and 30,000 words. It won the screenplay competition in New York City.
80,000 words sounds like a lot of heavy lifting, but I wrote three motion picture screenplays back to back, in the genres fantasy (magical girls), horror (vampires) and sci fi (animal astronauts to Mars).
That was a lot of Starbucks coffee brownies since Thanksgiving of 2018.

Really? I asked about that before pitching. Each chapter for my story is 5 parts. So five full chapters end up being 25 Tapas episodes. And that's what I sent in. This was only like two or three months ago too. So, I could be wrong but I dont really think they'd be that much of a change.

Either way I wish everyone luck in regards to pitching to premium. Since my story got rejected I'll offer some advice. Make sure that whoever is reading your story has a good feel for the direction of where your story is headed. :+1: