26 / 44
Nov 2018

Great... more Biology Lessons, don't we get enough of these on the front page... of science today?

This reminds of when I was back in a video game clan and the game 'Borderlands' came out, and EVERYONE in the clan loved this game but when talking about it in chat they would abbreviate it to BL for short. Which resulted in everyone in the clan constantly and proudly exclaiming their love for BL. I was just.... constantly copy pasting amazing quotes to my sister from the chat, like

"I f***ing LOVE BL"
"BL makes my life complete."
"I wish I had BL =("
"You really need to get BL, it's AWESOME!"
"I'm addicted to BL... I just can't keep myself off of it."
"Is it bad my dreams consist of nothing but BL now?"
"Has anyone actually paid attention to the story BL or does everyone skip it like me and just jump into the action?"
"I owned your ass in BL."
"Does BL ever feel repetitive for you? It got old for me pretty fast." "No! I'll love BL till the day I die!!"

Like... I collected so many of these quotes it was amazing. I even tried to bring it up what the abbreviation was meaning something else completely different to me in chat with them but they didn't believe me and thought I was making it up.

BL = B*tch Lasagna = T-Series = gaining 900.000 subs in one second = using sub bots? = CHEATER!


(I'm just doing my part please don't flag me ;x; )

I eagerly await your complaints^^

Seriously though I would love some criticism and feedback:3

@silverraven0 all power to ya!

The answer is pretty simple everytime too so it confuses me why it keeps being brought up :joy:


"Why do you think BL-"

Anyway pure curiosity, why it's always BL (Boys Love)?

If you're talking about shit of the genre, I think every genre deserves its share of shittery. There are many cheap vomit-inducing hetero romance with bad boys and stuff, there are many cliche-ridden boring fantasy with Kirito copycat MC, there are many scifi which concept doesn't make sense at all, there are many cheap horror story which has no substance of fright whatsoever, there are many slice of life comedy which is uninspired and isn't remotely funny... Some of them even in popular or trending multiple times... Some are "Stealing the spotlight" or "Overrated" too.
Why is it always BL which people shit on?

Because the stigma of fujoshi? Because it's gay? Because it's an easy target? I don't read BL (because it's romance and I don't like romance), but it's kinda unfair only BL creator got the shit...

It might be because it isn't really something you'd find in "mainstream media". If you go to a bookstore or library, chances are you're not really gonna find any mlm comics (in fact I've actually seen way more wlw content in libraries than mlm. It's weird). Romance is EVERYWHERE but you don't really ever see LGBT couples on the big screens or popular media.
So when people see an unconventional genre dominating on a website, they're probably gonna find it weird. :C

Before bl, it was slice of life/comedy strip comics that everyone complained about on here. A lot of it is purely done out of jealousy.

That aside, the BL hate is just a bit more intense because old school comic lovers with homophobic tendencies (that they will repeatedly deny) think it ruins their beloved artform. Or in many cases, people with purely homophobic intentions will chime in with arguments that disguise their intentions as just "caring about the site", "caring about the industry" or "wanting diversity".

Ironically these people are completely uninterested in diversity, and might even be against it, as soon as it shows up in mainstream media and their beloved publishers (marvel, dc, etc). That's when you get the "WHY DOES EVERYTHING NEED A GAY/POC/TRANS/WHATEVER CHARACTER" complaints. Stating that they are "not interested" and "stop shoving it in our faces and keep it where its wanted".

Well it's wanted on Tapas and Webtoon. And since it's gatekept out of other spaces to a large extent, creators and readers of BL will find each other there. But apparently these people aren't satisfied with that.

So we aren't allowed to exist in mainstream media.
We don't deserve to exist and flourish in indie media.
So... I guess the conclusion is just that we aren't allowed to exist, period. That's where these mentalities have ended up in the past and it's where they are bound to end up if they are not challenged and called out for what they are: homophobic and potentially dangerous.

BL makes a few people uncomfortable, yada yada... I would rather let those people be a bit uncomfortable than have gay creators face discrimination for their sake. Because honestly, their discomfort is their own fault and their own problem to deal with.

I apologize for any bad grammar in this post, it is very late and I am in the middle of a very tough work week, so I can barely form a proper sentence.

And the BL award (Best Laughs) goes to this forum topic.
clap clap clap

For me, a favorite, for sure.

This is probably going to be a very controversial opinion and I'm really not looking to start a debate because I know people get really touchy about this sort of thing.

But British bacon>US bacon
Can't have a decent BLT with streaky bacon, especially if it's undercooked and not crispy.

hands down best topic ever created
brony love is just. wayyyy too prominent

5 months later