27 / 62
Oct 2021

Hi! Would you like to give Alice in her strigoi form a shot? From my illustrator, Anic.

Favorite color: she doesn't really have one despite being so attentive in her life time. I guess a very soft blue would be in handy, like that of snow.

Fatal flaw: most definitely her stubbornness. One thing about Alice is she doesn't know when to stop trying, even when attempting to fight a blood thirsty ghoul!

Notable attribute: Hmmm! On the mental aspect without a doubt her will to survive. One thing about her being dead/ undead, is that she wants to do everything to protect the ones she loves. On the physical aspect, it would be her eyes. They are blood red, and they REEK of rage and urgency.

Came up with a simpler design :3c Sometimes I feel less is more, though to be fair, his favourite colour being gray made like 80% of the work for me lmao!
hope you enjoy it!
Now he can cosplay as a mime vampire! i thought of a clown but mime is just as entertaining minus the threatening aura, I think it fits the criteria! hpefully you can see the themes applied in a subtle way :wink:c

When I saw the second design, I realized that if she were to be in my story, she'd be a fine magician in Black Castle, though I'm not sure what your story is about, but she looks like a good agent haha!
Now I'm feeling that designs are comming out more naturally for me too :D!

Mhhh.. shapeshifters aren't a thing in my universe, but maybe there is something else? after all they're all made out of wood!
I really love mythical creatures and the sort, they're fun and their stories, specially can either be terrifying or hilariously wacky, ah old myths.
Also the idea you have for her, so pretty >u<! I did try to make a whole design but I needed a bit more info on how she look like and what she actually wears, so I just try to wing it haha!

Damn, this looks horrifying great. Thanks so much!

To give a bit of context since you seem a interested in the second design, the characters in my story are part of a self made group called the "resistance" (they don't actually have an official name, any group against the bad guys are "resistance" groups) and are fighting an organization called ReWrite. Whenever they're on a mission, the black getup is the outfit they wear to try and stay hidden.

Aight I'll bite now :grin:

This is Andrew in one of his overlord forms, felt like this would be fitting for what I have seen in your style here

Ah I forgot to post the attributes, but Andrew's fatal flaws are his naivety and recklessness. He does have a lot of tenacity though.
His favourite colour is turquouse.

Alright. Let's see how this'll turn out!

To give complete free range on the pose and postion, I'll just just the model sheet.

DISCLAIMER: His left eye is bloodshot, not a red pupil.


  1. Favorite Color: Green
    Fatal Flaw: Is pshychopathic, and trying to change, but doesn't know how.
    Notable Attribute: Obsessed with a fictional children's show.

  2. RACE: "Fair Skinned" - His country is to forever be unnamed.
    AGE: 16
    CLOTHING: Leather Trenchcoat, Messy Black Jeans, Leather Boots, Fabric Collared Shirt w/ plastic buttons.
    PERSONALITY: Anger Issues, "Troubled," Angry, Unhappy.

This characters-drawn-as-dolls thing is really cool, and I love your art style! I wanna make a request but you're already getting so many :sweat_02:

make sure to ask for one, I've opened myself space to do more of these (had quite a bit of homework to get trough, but I'm sure I can finish quite a bit of these now :D!

Thanks for the opportunity! ^^

This is Luci, one of the major characters in my comic! Her favorite color is pink, and a notable attribute of hers is her devotion to helping other people. Her fatal flaw is her self-hatred, and that she blames herself when bad things happen. Here's her reference! (I don't have a full-body one that's her current character design :sweat_01:)

oh this should be fun to see if i get chosen.
Blue hair girl is Janelle
- purple
- she's too nice to strangers (she likes to help which sometimes leads her into bad situations)
- she has special hidden powers that doesn't manifest unless she's extremely angry.

Blond guy is Sabastian
-sometimes he doesn't take things too seriously and acts like a goof ball.
- he is well trained in different fighting styles and has powers that manipulate energy and he has wings(can fly without them too)

There are no vampires in this world, but maybe there is something else, something consumed by darkness
There is a saying, that if a dead tree starts walking, you better run.The sorrowful like company after all-
Had to skip an entry before yours, cuz someone didn't fill their, but it was fun, I was actually waiting for a monster/truous oc to make them creepier!
but if any of these zombie dolls are cannon... idk man it's a psychological horror, I couldn't tell you.
Edit in case anyone saw: forgot to combine colour layer lmao

I'm only sending this because your sheep girl reminds me a bit of my "sheep" girl. So since I'm about to finish one of her story arcs right, seems only appropriate to send her to become a puppet.

Tadaa!! Luna Meerkat!

EDIT: Luna has a giant pet beetle named Tetra which she travels with when she's selling clothes and textiles. (mostly spider's web thread)

Btw thank you for making your comic in a vertical format that's actually readable and enjoyable! I have a big stick up my butt about that since it's unreadable on desktop.