Toronto webtoons.com/en/challenge/rewritten/list
I make a webcomic called ReWritten.
- Joined
- Aug 9, '20
- Last Post
- Feb 21, '22
- Seen
- Jun 23, '22
- Views
- 67
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I started with posting the first three chapters separately and I found that I got a fair amount of traction at the beginning (about 40 subs per update, each update a month apart). I don't have another instance to compare it too and technically it's possible that I would have gotten even more tractio…
For this Christmas, I decided to commission a short "slice of life" extra rather than the usual art piece; something short with no text needed to convey what was going on. I think it came out pretty well! [image] [image]
Since Halloween is tomorrow (or today depending on your timezone) and it doesn't seem like anyone has made a topic for this year, what better time than now to share our Halloween themed art! If you've made anything for this spooky season, feel free to share it below. I decided to go for a more lig…
Thanks for your feedback! You've given me an idea on how to shorten my current summary.

Damn, this looks horrifying great. Thanks so much! To give a bit of context since you seem a interested in the second design, the characters in my story are part of a self made group called the "resistance" (they don't actually have an official name, any group against the bad guys are "resistance"…

These look amazing so far! I'd love to see one of my characters halloween-ified (or ball join doll-ified). Character: Cynthia Favourite colour: Purple Fatal Flaw: Paranoia Notable Attribute: Dedication/Persistence She's actually the most recent addition to my cast (my readers literally just lear…
Would love to hear your thoughts on mine. I've tried to make it shorter in the past since it uses almost all the characters Webtoons gives, but could never figure out what I should remove.
Before I mention anything else, don't think that Webtoons is limited to vertical scroll comics. While they tend to be the preferred format, you can still make a successful comic using a more traditional page format. Now this may sound like I'm contradicting myself after what I just said, but v…
Nothing too out there, but the conversation sounds pretty dumb without context (honestly context doesn't make things too much better). [image]
The beginning chapters are mostly just build up, but I'd love to hear feedback on whether or not it piques your interest!
I wouldn't exactly consider any of my characters cowardly, but more cautious than anything. [image]
As you mentioned, there's not too much to go off right now so this review will be p̶r̶e̶t̶t̶y̶ very short. Both the panelling and the art have been great so far for both chapters. I like how the layout bounces between traditional panels and a more abstract style. It makes the general presentation …
insert a witty comment here about how it's been almost 6 months since this post was made First things first, I like the art style you went with. While I'm not usually a huge fan of B/W webcomics, yours does a good job of standing out. I especially liked how you inverted the colours during the un…
I don't do the art myself, so feedback on the general story (flow, uniqueness, did it jeep you interested) would be very helpful! I'll make sure to give you a proper critique as well as soon as I can. EDIT: Review time. So since English is the only language I speak, I (obviously) decided t…
The latest page in my webcomic also happens to be the last page of the chapter! [image]
Wow, this is pretty good timing because I just finished posting the latest chapter of my comic yesterday (it'll be live on Tapas in just over 4 hours)! As a heads up, I don't do any of the actual art for mine (I do do the bubbling/storyboarding though), so it'd be great if your review would focus mo…
Honest feedback is always helpful, thanks for taking the time to do this! You can just call me Luigi. As a heads up, I don't actually do any of the art for my comic so feel free to focus more on everything else (storyboarding, dialogue, speech bubbles, general flow of the story). The colouring and…
Damn, congrats on the feature! I remember doing a Read for Read with you back at the end of last year. Happy to see things are going well!
2 months between posts, a new personal best! You've waited long enough for this critique so let's get right into it. Right off the bat, you have a very distinctive art style which definitely makes your comic stand out from most other ones I've read. The character designs are more on the simplist…
So I don't really have too much to say about this one, but let's get into this nonetheless. The first thing that caught my eye was your art. Even though it's a fairly simplistic style, everything looks great. The characters, the colouring, the landscape, they're all well designed and do a good job…
Here's a full page illustration to celebrate the 1 year anniversary of my webcomic (which was yesterday, but let's pretend I'm not a day late)! [image]
I wouldn't stress too much about the art. While I would say it's the weakest aspect of your comic, you'll only get better over time! There are also plenty of popular comics out there with bad to mediocre art that still do well because it has a solid story backing it up. It'd definitely be more diffi…
Congrats on 100! Growing an audience can be pretty challenging so it always feels great when you hit a milestone. I'd love to see your take on drawing Aira. Out of the main 4 characters of my comic so far, she's probably my favourite. [image]
This was a bit of a longer comic so I mainly focused up to the 10th chapter and skimmed through the rest. To begin, the art itself is the weakest aspect of your comic. For one, it seems like a lot of the art (especially early on) was cropped and pasted due to the white outlines around the figures.…
I feel like getting honest feedback is one of the best ways to improve (I actually have my own Honest Feedback thread). It skips the fluff and gets right down to the issues that you might not notice when creating a comic. I typically don't get harsh feedback too often so I'd be grateful if you co…
Ratings tend to work better when you have more of them since it's less prone to rapid changes. When there's only a small sample size, it only takes one person to rate your comic 1 star for your overall rating to tank. As @TalkingChalk said, what's more important is the reception on individual episod…
Before I mention anything else for this review, you should really get an editor to look over the script. The grammar makes the comic extremely hard to read and I found myself struggling to get through each update because of it. From the looks of it English isn't your first language so it's understan…
Would love to get initial impressions on my webcomic, ReWritten. The first chapter is exactly 5 pages long too! +react
To start things off, I really enjoyed the paneling of your story. I found that the panels themselves flow pretty well into one another and give focus where it's needed. For the bubbling, there are definitely areas that can use some work. Take this example, the text seems to be crammed in the the box…
After 5 chapters of buildup, we're finally getting into some of the action in my webcomic! [image]