1 / 109
Sep 2019

Hello there!

So i've seen quite a few threads here of creators here who started a thread where they draw your oc in their style! I participated in a few of those. And now i want to do something for the community as well.

So i opened this thread where you can get a free sketch from me! All you need to do is follow these rules:

  1. Upload a picture of your character! Add a link to your comic (or novel) too, should i find it necessary to do more research. Only a link and no picture won't do!

  2. One sketch per person and only one character! If you have important exceptions, tell me why i should draw more characters and i'll consider it.

  3. I'll do SIX sketches at a time, so i'll pick the first six characters at that moment (or whose turn have arrived.). At that moment i'll "close" the topic so people can see they have to wait until it's open again. When the sketches are finished i'll upload them and tag the respective owners. I'll open up the topic whenever i have time for the other characters. Be patient and wait your turn!

  4. I'm only doing sketching --> lineart for now! No colors in the initial sketch! I might do colors later if i feel like doing it and if i have the time for it. Also i probably won't do fullbody sketches (there might be some exceptions). What you see is what you get!

  5. Don't forget to credit me if you want to use the sketch for some reason! I'll leave my links below!

Also keep in mind that i still have other stuff in my private life like school. It might take awhile to finish! So don't push it!
My style will look something like this:

Already done sketches:

My links:

  • created

    Sep '19
  • last reply

    Oct '19
  • 108


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  • 19


  • 145


  • 21


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There are 108 replies with an estimated read time of 7 minutes.

I love these posts. I love seeing all the different characters an artist winds up drawing, and I especially love them when the person draws my character lol this is Mercy! this pic of her was just for practice, and thus not canon to my story, but I've linked my comic so you can do more research as you mentioned! and thanks in advance, I enjoy these posts a lot!

here's the webcomic she features in:

Alright, as soon as I have time i'll start working on her!

(College is absolutely time-consuming, isn't it?)

no worries at all, take your time! before I graduated, college ate up EVERY MOMENT of my time, so I totally get it!

Dagiel best ocean merangel otter loving boi. there is supposed to be a choker made of finger bones around his neck.

Alright, i'll work on it when I have the time!

(And i'll do some research on the finger collar bones)

I started! It should be finished today! (Or tomorrow, depends on how my evening plays out.)

I'm on it! I still need to start with this one but since I already began drawing the other two it shouldn't take that long.

This is a really sketchy reference, but I love this boy and would love to see your take on him. His name is Sonny.

Sure thing! Got more girls than guys at the moment so that'll keep things balanced and fresh!

I'm considering coloring the sketches, despite my rule. Though that'll take some time. I'll keep y'all informed about that decision.

she looks fabulous! I love it! thank you! if you wanna color them, I think that'd be awesome! but also don't worry about it if it's too much work, that college life is rough!

@MossyRabbit yours should be finished tomorrow! I started it but it's 00:00 am at my country and I'm going to get some sleep first.