17 / 51
Oct 2024

I actually have a couple and most of them don't actually need them because of vision problems, lol. Oliver doesn't need his glasses to see, but they hide his left eye.

His uncle also wears glasses

And Aster wears glasses that are a magical artifact, so they do help him see, but more so he can examine spells and stuff.

There will be others in the future - mostly because their designs not finished yet
In Sickboy at the moment Ben, one of Evan's two besties is a glasses boy!

This OC from an old fighting game idea (planning to make it a fictional franchise inside SickBoy comic as one character further ahead is a gamer girl and would wear pins and clothing with characters from it )
Cellus of Time She's a strict Principal and the angel of time who summons her school's clock as her weapon

I was totally in a manga phase back then XD

Lol here is some of mine including myself as a character in my comic.

lol I'm the guy in the back with the old faded green shirt.

Well, the main one is Isham

But there is also Emerald's mom, Esther (her dad does too, but in the only parents that he's in, he forgot them, and ergo he's not wearing any.

And then there are various background characters that I designed on the fly wearing glasses, I just particularly like the look of this one.

Also just codified this today, but the god of fate wears them
(even though he's gnawing on them in this picture, he usually wears them...)

Here's mine :wave: She's my oc Nikee which I created in 2021 (?) Yes, almost 3 years ago. She's my female lead on my Tapas Novel Masters of Denialism, its still ongoing xD

Here is Detlef Decker on his way to his first date

I love characters with glasses and I also make the kids draw characters with glasses
in comic comic courses. Most kids skip the ears and place the eyes and nose all over
the place and it´s an easy cheat to draw glasses on a circle and then draw the facical
features or always imagine that character wearing glasses. It changes the way you
think about ears and stops you from placing them in weird places :smiley:

She's a bit more crass than the average nerd, but she is still a mathematician so I suppose all my glasses characters are nerds

Melly is a silly cutesy nerd. She loved crochet and stuffed animals and ugly clothes.

A 15 minute croquis I made of her in a 'bunny suit'

My latest oc, Castillo Blanca :sparkles:
She actually has sight problems and doesn’t just wear them for protection or style lol
She’s near-sighted due to modifications she made to her eyes

Oh I almost didn't notice them. They're pretty thin specs xd

29 days later

Mkay, Texas doesn't usually wear glasses but I did draw this like three months ago:

I have GOT to redraw this lol