10 / 15
Mar 2021

So I've almost finished my story and don't know if I should make a season one and two or start another series to continue off another adventure. What would you do or have you done?

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    Mar '21
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    Mar '21
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I found myself in this exact situation at the end of 2019!

I wrote my first webcomic one-shot to be standalone, but included an open ending that could transition into a "Season 2" if I ended up choosing to. The comic took about a year and a half to complete and towards the 3/4 point I felt like I was wanting to pursue the 2nd season option.

However, as I sat down to start outlining the follow up season following the conclusion of the first... I found that in my case, a lot of the worldbuilding decisions that I had made for the standalone story weren't working as well as I wanted for other places in the bigger world picture- in other words, many of the decisions I made were to serve that specific story rather than being a larger world building project. I ended up deciding that the foundation was too shaky and ended dropping the project to instead move onto a new project in mid-2020.

I'm definitely a planner, so trying to "pants" my way into a follow up story didn't work out so well :sweat_smile:

I'm doing a completely different story from the one I just finished, the polar opposite, to be frank. I'm very passionate about both of them, but, for me, if I work relentlessly in one or the other I just feel saturated.
But that's just how it is for me. The question is, what's your relationship with the story you just finished? Are you still eager to work on it, or would a break from it be welcome for a change?

My story is multi-season, but I planned for it to be that way from the get-go. I'm currently trying to slim down and compress seasons so that I can get onto my second project in... hopefully between three-to-five years time.

If you're really loving your current project, it has a good audience, and you can see where it will go in future seasons, go for it! But if you do have other stories waiting in the wings, starting them may be more beneficial to your development.

Also, you could always leave the follow-up hook dangling for a year or two while you work on something else, then return later. Plenty of webcomic creators have two series which they will prioritise at different times, it's not unusual.

It depends if you have more you wanna tell about your current story. If not just start another series. Whenever I'm done with mine, I was planning on doing a short prologue spin off. Then a new unrelated story afterwards. I'd love to do all my projects at once, but I unfortunately my lack of time and funds said no.

It really depends. Do you think your story can and should be continued? Some endings are written in a way where a sequel isn't possible, or unless you start it with a huge time skip (which can qualify as a whole new series on its own depending on how you write it). Honestly, my general rule of thumb is "if making a sequel makes you feel a little uncomfy for your finished story, then you probably shouldn't make one".

I planned for my comic to have multiple seasons, but I can't imagine it having its own sequels. In fact, I don't really feel the need to make any sequels for any of my comic ideas because the way I write endings is very open-and-shut and doesn't leave much room for a continuation.

But that's just how I feel, if you like your story, your readers are open to a sequel, and you feel like your story ends in such a way that it merits a sequel, go for it.

I feel like for JTA having a continuation would be tricky.
It is a heavy character focused drama, another set of characters means another dynamic and different things to explore... Setting it into the same (the past or future) would make for something interesting, but it would not be the same as JTA, and at some point the benefit of bringing back fan favorite might be outweighed by having to constantly tie treads to the previous (or future) story.
Kind of like... The tales of arcadia series is to trollhunters (not that it's a character drama, but just to put my point)... It carries some of the same elements and characters, but isn't the same thing, and doesn't scratch the exact same itch.

That being said... JTA is structured as a multiseason story that I plan to keep going for up to 7 seasons (haven't quite made up my mind if it would get to 8 as a certain season might be too trippy and i'm considering scrapping it), right now i'm over episode 140 on tapas and i'm almost halfway through season 1... So it will be a loooooong time for me to be done.
Good thing is... If i keep going at the same pace, i'll probably be done before i'm 45 (I'm 28 just FYI)

I do have other projects that are completely unrelated that I would like to get going... But that depends on me ever becoming a full time writer, be it thanks to patreon or a deal with a publisher.

Thanks for the replies! :slight_smile: In that case, maybe I might just start another season instead of another series. Thanks for the help.

What we did for The Action Fruit Society is create separate series that act as separate seasons. The reason this was done was to maintain a strict 26 episode format for each season (like a lot of TV shows do). Also, a lot of our subs actually made the switch from season 1 (first series) to season 2 (second series) to season 3 (third series).

Creating different seasons as different series keeps us more organized instead of creating one giant series and making separate episodes that lets people know where each season starts.

I work to create a complete story. I don't finish the story I want to tell and then keep dragging in forward because it's popular. Could be a long story. But Runner has an ending in mind and is actively working toward that. Respect your work. Let it end. Push yourself to create something new afterward

I plan to make a sequel once I'm done. However, that will take a while. I plan on having around 15 chapters and I'm only on 6 for the last 2 years. But yes, I have planned a few things and worked on a bit concept art and I'm quite excited about it

If you like how the story went and aren't sick of it, you could continue it. But if you want a chance to start fresh, go ahead. Just make sure to tell any followers to subscribe to your new work.

For me, my first big comic is ending soon. My next comic is going to be something brand new. True, now I have to start all over on research, world-building, prep, and growing an audience...but my skills have improved so much I'd like the chance to apply them.

Oh boy. I wonder when I will finish my story tho.
But, I do not think that I would make a season two for it.
Maybe another story, but in relation with the old one ?

I think if you're unsure what to do, then you should do neither until you take the time to sit down, brainstorm, and see which option inspires you more. Otherwise, you could just end up committing to something that's just going to burn you out before long.