91 / 114
Jul 2016

First: Thank you @michaelson for replying to the post properly and putting this back where it had public access. I appreciate it a lot that this is being given dignity and an actual response.

Thank you for this, too.

Labeling things as 'healthy' and 'unhealthy' actually helps people figure out how to interact with the world and think about things in terms of the way they effect other people. This helps create a more empathetic community feel among people.

Hear here. Fixing the NSFW system would go a long way toward making this community better and more functional for everyone. I'm here for making things functional for everybody tbph.

When I was 15 my best friend(who was 14 at the time) was printing out the smuttiest gay fanfic that she could find off AFF.NET (18+ website btw) and smuggling it to school in a Lisa Frank folder. Kids will get access to what they ought not, regardless of whether or not someone has told them they shouldn't. Making something 17+ doesn't mean kids won't have access to it, but they should have to dig a little bit to get at sensitive material, at the very least. Kids have smart phones now, and Google play and the apple app store don't ask you for age verification before you download. Just because there are guidelines set doesn't mean they're going to be followed, so fail safes NEED to be in place. That means NSFW needs to not be on the front page or in the snack. Warnings need to be clear in all things that require warnings (sex, drugs, violence, alcohol) I'm not saying 'don't publish this it could be bad'. Just 'don't put it in the front where god and everyone can see it with a casual glance'.

Yes. YES. I like these ideas. all of them. Maybe being able to pick which ones you get in your settings?

Yes please, do continue to create but create mindfully and be aware that some content may need warnings or further explanation.

I chose Tapastic because it was the best place for my comic, and hosted a lot of comics and artists I love. The way this site handles LGBT content, and other sensitive topics, were the original draws to Tapastic way back when I was looking for a platform for Si/Si. It kind of feels like a slap in the face to be blindsided with the way some things are being handled now.

There are scientific studies about the influence of various sorts of contents on different audiences, be it about gender representation, violence, sexuality, fetishes, etc. Many of those works hold sensitive value and explain in which way certain material can be unhealthy, sometimes in connexion to parameters such as how much material is viewed by the individual or under which circumstances... Of course, it is not possible for a platform to monitor everything about user activity, but there are still ways to make the difference between material that is sensitive and possibly unhealthy, or fine and healthy.

I am personally more interested into education, both of creators and readership. If a creator doesn't care to educate themselves about the topics they write about, they are more likely to create problematic material (ie: glorification of something edgy or outright wrong like abuse).

So I very much agree with @yumehop and @BlueWindyHood . It's possible to make content that is more sensitive in its topic, and to make the read safer. It can be extensive, with actual education being provided – here we got a bit out of our way to explain what BDSM is and is not: https://tapastic.com/episode/3254172

...or it can be more sober, in the form of warnings (ie: it's ok to have fetishes that are problematic, so long as you know they are problematic and that you shouldn't attempt such things in real life). Nowadays, the difference between reality and virtuality is becoming more and more blurry, and so it does not hurt to remind readers about it.
I think it would be quite good if authors would become more systematic in their warnings, so to also raise awareness among us, because a lot of authors still don't realize that they create edgy/unhealthy content. So seeing around what is flagged as "don't do this at home, kids" could probably help them realize whether their content is safe to read without warnings or not.

This would only make this community an even better place, in which creators could also learn together.

I'm still concerned on who will make the judgement on what's healthy and what isn't, and to be frank, I'm not sure if this is a place where such a decision should be made.
Do we really want to limit creativity because people fear that they may not fit into the "healthy" category?
Are we going to have finger pointing with people accusing others of not having a "healthy" comic?
I mean, if you look hard enough you can find something unhealthy with even the blandest, safest comic.

What I do believe though, is that clearly defined and reasonable limits should be imposed with guidelines on what's expected.
If the the guidelines are clearly defined, there would be less chances of witch hunts taking place and both authors and readers will know where they stand.

I don't think that's what @noxfox meant. I think he means that it's okay to have comics with 'unhealthy' things or an 'unhealthy' comic so long as people know the difference between what is right and wrong and good and bad for themselves. We want a safe environment, of course, we want racy, exciting, and contraversial comics too, but we would like to be civil and point out where things are not as they seem to keep in the better opinion of the reader(s). For example, and this is a very loose and crude example, a character gets completely wasted, but then creates a masterpiece painting. It would be worthwhile to say "Hey, don't get wasted as much as this character did just to create a painting. You can make art without getting drunk which can be bad for your health"
Or something like that. I'm sure everyone knows that drinking in excess is bad for you, and that's because of people's education and ability to see drunks quite often in society. Pregnant teens and giving birth... Not so much

I feel like the original problem is getting a little fuzzy-- which is that an uncomfortable/offensive comic was picked to show up in everyone's inboxes when it should've been something suited to a wider audience. The idea of policing comics for their depiction (or lack thereof) of "healthy" ideas is a little creepy and too open to personal interpretation. Especially when we have such an international community, people are coming to this site with a wide variety of ideas on what is or is not healthy.

Don't get me wrong, I think the comic handles the subject matter very poorly. Having seen how unwanted teenage pregnancy and parenthood impacts a family and the teen, it's not something I would consider joking material-- unless the joke was on people's misconceptions of how teens are affected by the issue. But this comic seems to be using the teens themselves as joke fodder. I'm a little sad that the staff response is "We get it, teen pregnancy is a bad topic"-- it's more that the way the topic was handled was poor, not the topic itself.

But the idea of needing to ensure our comics represent wholesome ideas and disclaimers for younger audiences is a little overkill. I don't want to have to write out a disclaimer of "SMOKING KILLS DON'T DO IT" every time I draw my character lighting a cigarette.

Maybe what would be better is an age-rating system, where we can specify the intended reading age for our comics. My comic isn't intended for young teens, so being able to let people know it's better suited for young adults might make it safer for the impressionable youth : p And if those teens wanted to read it, they'd have fair warning.

As it's been mentioned, if you dug around you could find a LOT of comics here that may handle sensitive subjects poorly. The difference being that these comics usually aren't showing up in our inboxes. I think it would be in Tapastic's best interest to screen their content before blasting it out to everyone.

I honestly think that the staff is not equipped anyway (at the moment, at least) to be capable of correctly setting standards for what would be considered healthy or not – as shown by their handling of the situation and view of what exactly is problematic about Learning Curves. Still, that doesn't mean the debate shouldn't exist, because they should know about what we think, and that we care for this platform.
In reply to @carloswebcomic, I do believe that here is a place where such decisions should be made, because if it doesn't happen where the stories are, where does it happen? Just because it's an online publishing platform doesn't mean it's not a publishing platform – and by publishing, I mean that it displays and distributes content for an audience. And publishers set guidelines for their content for a reason, you don't want people calling you asshats (and other words) because of the content you publish and allow to be published.

Tapastic does have guidelines, but I agree with @carloswebcomic that they should be clearer. @yumehop described pretty well my point. I still think that warning about the content would still be a good thing, and that creators should also ask their readers for feedback on that a little more. Of course you will get blunt answers like "I personally think it's alright because I know of these topics already, therefore I am annoyed by the idea of having warnings I don't need," which you have to take with a grain of salt: just because some persons don't need warnings doesn't mean that nobody needs them. And minorities shouldn't be left over.

@Michelle I don't think that disclaimers would need to be written every time your character smokes (though you could go for it), but you can make a statement when such a situation appears for the first time, of if it's going to happen a lot in the series, like "while the characters display certain unhealthy behaviors such as smoking, which is not recommendable, this doesn't mean I condone such behavior nor wish to encourage my audience to indulge in them."
NDGO did something similar in an episode of Jamie featuring teens smoking weed, and her disclaimers were welcomed by the audience:

Content warning: They are smoking marijuana. I am not for or against the use of marijuana, you do you. But I am not condoning the use of tobacco or marijuana for underage people. — https://tapastic.com/episode/2264016

Overall, community generally appreciates authors to be mindful and careful of them. When I see the number of extremely positive comments we got for our disclaimers (which are read by 98% of the readers and welcomed by almost 90% –we did a survey), I feel quite positive in saying that yes, this is the next step, this is what should be commonplace in the future. There's a demand for it, and the guidelines should most certainly encourage content warnings and disclaimers – it's not like it would be so hard to add such lines, right? And make sure new creators get to read them before posting their first episodes, possibly with some suggestions of how they can do it.

The community is the best thing about Tapastic, it's what has people excited about it and reaching to everybody to tell them to come over here be happy together. Improving guidelines and NSFW filter as it has been requested for a long time, and doing it with care would very much show that staff cares about the community and the creators. Which we haven't been feeling so much as of late...

(as a side note, and I don't mean this as a personal attack but as an honest recommendation, investing in PR training might be a good idea for staff to handle this kind of issues better in the future – here, I believe you can do much better)


The only problem I can see w/ this is the bandwidth to constantly curate these.

I replied to this post in particular based on the engagement it was receiving and because of the severity of the claims.

I know, it's disappointing to a lot of us as well.

You'll remember the post launch status of the website and apps a few months back, and you can imagine why integration of the feature is so difficult. That being said, we're completely open to creators still applying for the key system to be implemented onto their series - it would just require the series to be taken down from Tapastic and only available on the app, which for many creators is far from ideal. The option is available for anyone to apply for.

We also sent out a survey earlier today to all creators with something that can be applied to existing series - however, it won't be available for the desktop version of the site in the foreseeable future, which again, is disappointing.

Sorry for some reason my quotes function isn't activating.

@zikul We financially support and benefit from every series hosted on Tapastic. I can't get into the specifics of why the decision was made to support that series in particular or for many series - there is a lot of bureaucracy involved when entering into these types of negotiations. I know this is an unsatisfying answer, but it's the best that I can do.

We screen as much as we can, and will focus more of our attention to screening the snacks more heavily.

@Elm thanks for the feedback.

@elixiadragmire I appreciate the honesty.

You can turn off the notifications by clicking on your profile icon and navigating to the "notifications" tab, where you'll be able to toggle "inbox messages & gifts", "my library", and "daily snack" push notifications.

We did experience an initial drop in readership during the launch and a few weeks post launch, but we grew after that period. Our growth rate for the desktop version of the site remains consistent to the pre-launch numbers, but our app has seen a tremendous amount of growth due in part of our marketing efforts and coordination with the app store features.

While the app readership has grown to outpace the desktop site, we're seeing that this new readership behaves differently from the existing readership. Thus tailoring the desktop and app experiences accordingly was required. This isn't meant to refute your points, but to clarify on some of the things you've been seeing on our end.

@noxfox in regards to "Please, yes. Tell us what is your project...Are we part of it?..."

Yes, of course every creator is part of it. We are trying our best to be as transparent as possible but there are limitations to that. Our core philosophy has always been the democratization of storytelling. Giving every creator the tools necessary to tell their and share their stories - from open publishing, ad revenue, metrics (I know, they're not great), notifications for reader retention, and other sustainable economic models for a variety of levels of creators.

Again, we sent out a survey earlier today. Please engage with that and give us your feedback.

In the slightly adjusted words of the late, great Christopher Hitchen:

Who is going to decide? To whom do you reward the right to decide which comic is harmful? Or who is the harmful creator? Or to determine in advance what are the harmful consequences going to be that we know enough about in advance to prevent? To whom would you give this job? To whom are you going to award the task of being the censor?

To whom would you delegate the task of deciding for you what you should be able to see and read? To whom you would give the job of relieving you of the responsibility of hearing what you not want to hear? Do you know anyone? Hands up, do you know anyone to whom you'd give this job? Does anyone have a nominee?

Every time you violate or propose to violate someone else's free expression, you, in potentia, are making a rod for your own back.

Thank you @michaelson for the feedback. I'm quite happy about the survey you sent, though it could have been a bit more elaborate on what exactly the feature would be, to whom it would be available or not, and include a question about how we'd feel about the function being accessible through the App only. I appreciate however that you let an open question in the end to give more personal insight. Mine was a concern about whether it would be ok to monetize episodes that don't have comic content in it (ie: concept sketches), or WIP pages. I'm somewhat curious to know how this would work, and if it would only be "pay for what you want to see," or could include a subscription system like "peek anything to this series for 3 months" or "peek any series for 1 month". Maybe that would deserve another market study survey to see what business model people would be interested in, as readers, and as creators.

That's a technical issue I had never considered because the Popular and Trending sections can still be browsed by categories (which then reveals more series). Maybe it could be eased by having a less instantaneous curation, instead going for a weekly digest of which series fared best? Then again, it's hard to make accurate suggestions without knowing exactly which are the constraints.

I still would like to know if the NSFW filter or a guidelines update will ever be addressed.
It would really help everybody if it were possible to filter negatively and positively various types of contents. Maybe it doesn't have to be so different in architecture than the current genre categories.
As a side question, are the tags we put on episodes useful in any way? (besides allowing us to write stupid stuff there to give our readers a laugh)

@scythe please, read the content of above posts.

haha Back on topic guys, leave casual conversation to PM's and shiz lol Thanks! <3

Ok thank you @michaelson
I think I'll have to do a bit of soul searching then. If the app readership is much larger but different and I've seen a lot of stagnation on my project then either my content isn't right for the new mobile demographic or there's a problem with my content, along with other numerous reasons.
At the moment I have to say on Line my progress is triple of what I see here, that could be due to the number of readers they have. But I have been on there desktop in the weekly roundup for a month also.
I think I'm going to have to mule this over to see what would be the right thing for my project in the future and pin point problems and plan out a new course of action..

You benefit from every series on the site, that is true, but direct financial support is not the same as indirect (indirect being ad revenue per individual artist), and it is because of this that the choice is concerning and potentially negative for your public reputation. That is what makes Learning Curves different from indie content, and also why it reflects on Tapas Media as a brand when other content might not. Bureaucracy is unfortunately nothing that alleviates those implications.

"Screen as much as we can" could mean anything. Do you, or do you not, read through the entirety of the content you feature, not just in the snack, but in the staff picks on tapastic?

True, and sorry for calling it a failed tv show pitch. But that doesn't mean the work isn't bad and the transition isn't bad. It's bad and the transition is worse. The fact that you chose Learning Curves as your very first Tapisode raises questions about transparency, the ability of your team to choose quality products, and the quality check/editing ability of your editor team.

I second this question.

Fair point.

Then why didn't it occur to you that reading with CAPITALIZED BOLD and CAPITALIZED ITALIC is a chore? Were there no single editor who stopped on their track and said that this needs further editing and rewriting? You've just proved how unprofessional the whole thing is, from the writers' to the editor team. This is paid content, isn't it? What are you going to do after this has been pointed out to you? Will you fix it or will you leave it as unprofessional as it is now?

Well sorry, then maybe next time prove it to us by providing PROFESSIONAL content. They're professionals, you're professionals, it's PAID content, so what I'm asking for is actually elementary, right? I didn't ridicule their previous job, I pointed the hypocrisy of the marketing of what your CEO said the quality is (Hollywood writers) vs the actual quality (BuzzFeed lazy writing quality).

Your Senior Editor said it himself that your team doesn't do poor quality, it's not in your DNA. Well, what's this then? Until then I won't be convinced that there's no some sort of favoritism going on because how else such POOR quality content managed to be up there, endorsed, featured and financially backed?

By ignoring I meant that you chose to create different products (novel and tapisode, even the coins are not for webcomic creators) as an excuse to hire outside people (those who never worked in webcomic/comic industry). You could've make them open for public like your webcomic or hire select artists like you did with premium section but you acted as if they don't exist.

If the products you're selling are actually of high quality done with love and care I wouldn't complain at all. I would think that you're trying to set a bar for them to follow but no, the quality check is so bad it's almost nonexistent. With erotica novels and CP tapisode, I think you're going on a desperate path to make money and you don't care where they come from.

No, it's not okay. Most webcomic creators' audience in Tapastic are general people with teens being the main target. By making the app 17+ you're already limiting or eliminating their audience from the get go. Is it okay for video rental to rent porn? Yes, if they put it separate from general video. Is it okay for porn rental to rent kid's animated shows? Yes, but who will buy them?

Learning Curves is already a perfect example. It's a tapisode that fits Tapas' rating and audience but once you promote them to Tapastic's audience, it becomes very out of place. How about stories which are aimed at kids like your very own admin @CindyFoster 's webcomic? Will the kids be able to convince their parents to buy something from 17+ app? Will parents even bother to search something for their kids in Tapas?

Tapas should've been a different app, webcomics in Tapas should've been everything aimed at 17+. You might say that the app enjoys growth but how certain are you to say that they're the same diverse audience as before and not a new audience who're only looking for mature content? This mentality shows that you no longer care about webcomic and the artists behind them. If you decide to abandon webcomic, or that it's no longer your main focus, please be honest about it. Don't use webcomics as a bait to attract people then ask them to spend money on things they don't care about.

It's okay if you chose that though, your company, do what you want. But please be TRANSPARENT and do what YOU SAID. Don't say you care about webcomic and the creators but then backstab and abandon them (eliminating support program, making the app 17+ while previously you were strict with NSFW contents and making NSFW creators unwelcome, even new pay feature is not for webcomic creators). Don't say/demand professional and high quality then produce poor, unprofessional quality yourself. Live up to your words and the standard you set. At this point, your actions don't match your words.

A few days after my post about you're not caring about creators, suddenly you're giving out survey about a plan that was already leaked few months ago. I don't know your intention but the timing is so horrible, I can't help but laugh bitterly. Well I guess it's good that you're finally starting to give attention back to webcomic creators again. I'm willing to give you one last chance and I can only hope you're staying true to your words now. Hopefully you will release that feature in near future, instead of giving them false hope and only release them infinite months later.

I apologize if I sound harsh or if it seems like I'm trying to smear Tapastic, I'm not. I love Tapastic, I love the creators, I frequent the forum and I know who's who (quite disappointed that some frequent forum posters don't say anything here and some who did immediately take a stance of blindly defending Tapastic and just hope for the best), I even taught my friends how to whitelist Tapastic from their adblocks. I feel absolutely betrayed by Tapas/Tapastic's action for the past few months, this was the last straw and I need explanation.

Just to be clear, I have no issue with 17+ rating and content, but I think Tapastic should have a different app so creators with general content have a place for their webcomics. I also think it's okay for Learning Curves to exist, or for Tapastic to feature them if they want (but please no email/Tapastic website feature, because email and Tapastic website are not 17+, put NSFW where they belong). I'm not against it or want it taken down since what's done is done, even though I'm concerned about the story having underage children sex (I don't know about Google store but I heard they're pretty strict with CP). I do want them to edit/rewrite them properly since it was just lazy and I hope the editor team will choose better quality stories next time.

I also agree that no one should be policing what's healthy and what's not, let readers decide. Better NSFW filter is good, even though I feel it'll be redundant in the app, but don't censor/ban artists for the things they create. I only have issues with the whole process because it was unprofessional from start to end. It reeks neglect, double standard, favoritism and hypocrisy, and showed how far Tapas/Tapastic have fallen when it comes to webcomics and quality, something I honestly don't wish to happen.

This is very disappointing and seems counter productive and really like you guys are stretching yourselves too thin to the point you're breaking into two different companies [Tapas/Tapastic]. I honest fear this choice will be the death of both. The app should be a compliment and a companion to the site and not a different entity.

Creators are so excluded from the app, it feels like we're not reaching our full audience on just the site alone and readers with no app are only getting half the experience that app users are able to get. And asking creators to switch to solely posting to the app, a feature fully not made for the creator's comfort/uses, alienate the audience they've grown with on the site, for a key/coin system many are currently not comfortable with, it's no wonder many haven't signed up for that. This split in app vs. desktop is hurting creators more than helping us.

Can you guys see this? And why continue to put so much time and effort for a brand new/different company [Tapas] then grow and maintain your current one [Tapastic]? Are the stats on the app really that much higher than the site? If so, why not try to make the site more like the app? Where's the consistency?

Just a forum mod, not employed by Tapastic or an admin but valid concerns for sure and questions that I do ask myself. I've already had a concern reader email me with concerns about how mature the app is and how Oops didn't feel like it fit with that sort of material. @_@

This x1000.

If the app is going to be so different from the site and host different content, that's fine. But I don't think there's going to be much of an overlap in demographics between the people downloading an app where they can read romance novels and the people who want to read most of the webcomics that are currently popular on the site. As others have stated, the site seems like it's audience is primarily teens and young adults.

Asking the creators who make YA content to focus on the app which is rated 17+ is asking them to halve their audience, which is why most creators will probably not make that leap. Which is also fine, I know it's not mandatory. It's just hard to see where things are going when the disconnect between the platforms is so large and most of the focus seems to be on the app.

I don't disagree that there's a divide between the app and the desktop site that isn't really beneficial to us creators, and that some of the content they've chosen to feature is questionable, but the 17+ rating has not come about because of Learning Curves or that awkward smutty fiction someone found the other month. The Tapastic desktop site allows some NSFW content in its webcomics, and there are plenty of comics not suitable for kids that turn up in popular and trending. The only reason the Tapastic desktop site isn't 17+ is because there's nobody to stick an age rating on it like there is on the App Store and on Google Play.

@michaelson I know you used to do it, you used to spend a lot of time and energy reading comics. Sure, now there are more than one can follow, but if you can't do your job alone, maybe it's time to hire assistants. I honestly think it's not fair to let the community do your job in your stead while we're not even being paid for it. That's a bit too convenient...

I agree with the entirety of @Roxanneh's post, and especially this part. As well as what @CyndiFoster and @Kaykedrawsthings said. I have a hard time keeping mad at people because I'm just always hoping for the best and wanting to be constructive, but I don't feel like Tapas/tic is being constructive as of late. I very honestly want to kick the whole staff in the butt – in a friendly, constructive way. What's going on? What the hell are you doing? Why do you do what you do? Why exactly can't you give more details? Are there so many enemies waiting an opportunity to steal your ideas, your technology, etc? I honestly have a hard time believing so.

Do you know about Discord App? When I see how those folks work, I can't help but think "they're doing it right." They rely on community suggestions, they work on features that are being asked for (and give more while they're at it), polish the bugs out, smooth the corners out – they go as far as to give consideration to people whining about small details, because that's how much they care. I'm actually hyped about their updates.

What makes me sad is that Tapastic used to have this cool feeling of "staff listens, staff cares," and now it feels like you only care in your words, not so much in your acts. I'm worried about each and every update, for due reasons. It gets worse and worse, you don't do what you say you will (how many times did you say you'd make it possible to unsubscribe from comment thread notifications and never did it?? how hard can this be to do???) If you're not going to do what you promise, don't promise it. Be honest, be frank, say "we can't," "we don't care," "we have no time for this," but don't take us for fools. You're just breaking the trust.
Tapas and Tapastic are so different it doesn't even make sense to keep them connected. I'd rather those two split completely, while just advertising for each other in some "we also do this btw" service promotion.

I'm probably a naive idiot for having thought "I'll publish my series on Tapastic only, it's so great here, I can root for them." But I guess I'm done feeling betrayed, and will soon start posting on LINE. If it works well there and if Tapastic doesn't get better for creators in ways we ask for I guess I might end up doing the complete switch.

In regards to WIP or concept sketches - we haven't come to a conclusion about it. While we discourage this practice in general, if it allows creators to earn a better income, then I'm all for it. There wouldn't be a "pay what you want" or "subscription" option at first, the initial version if built would be very simple. Creators would mark scheduled episodes to have the additional option of being able to unlock if paid for. Then when the scheduled date arrives, the episode would be available for everyone on both desktop and the app. There wouldn't really be an option for perpetual locking.

We'll be sending out more surveys and also following up with an analysis of the surveys to further open up dialogue.

This could be a possibility - but would be in addition to the daily snack rather than a replacement.

We have a ticket for this but have not moved it to anything beyond the brainstorming phases. We do have your original mock ups to work off of.

I was doing another study that was never completed around the idea of "series growth rate" i.e. the longer a series runs on Tapastic the higher probability that the reader growth will plateau unless introduced to different reader segments. My results were inconclusive. I might publish the random findings on the forums at a future date - something long form like my post about social media (http://forums.tapastic.com/t/building-a-social-media-presence-with-no-budget/85652)

If you want, we can take this conversation offline and look more into your readership and figure out why that's the case.

I strongly recommend that every creator post on every webcomic platform and find the ones that really work for them. I don't really see Line and Tapastic as direct competitors because the webcomic readership community is not a zero sum game. Both our companies are trying out different things in order to build out the readership size.

Yes, we do. However, for the case of Learning Curves, we obviously did not realize the negative impact it would have. This has been a learning experience for us.

We'll revisit it at a later date.

The survey was created before your post. But I understand. The timing wasn't great.

We don't have enough bandwidth to develop out both concurrently. Once the tools have been put into place on the app, we can then start implementing similar functionality to the site - however, we still have some limitations regarding which services can actually allow us to duplicate these processes.

We can see this. We are working on better tools for creators on the mobile apps.

We have not actively pursued asking creators to switch to posting on the app specifically because of that reason - we are waiting until we can apply the new system to already existing series until we begin asking. Until then it's a voluntary system.

I want desperately to show that the staff cares, and I'm trying.

We have a long list of things we want to build comprised of things that creators and readers have asked for. It's not an easy task to build a website and app and maintain both concurrently. We are trying. We are working REALLY REALLY hard to make this possible.

This thread brings up so many intriguing points that I made an account just to post this. I've been a lurker of Tapastic for at least a year now and watched it make the transition into Tapas. I do not not want this to be another long assessment of the numerous decisions that got executed and went terribly wrong. At the end of the day, Tapastic is, after all, a start-up and effed up as things can get, sustaining a start-up is tough (and "tough" probably doesn't even do it justice).

I'm feeling very sorry that @michaelson has to grind through these comments because that is his job. The team needs to be at peace with the fact that you really can't satisfy everyone's needs--not when things have gotten THIS complicated. It's like you're patching up one hole after another with new features or categories and it is never-ending. This is very painful to watch given that the collective rage has finally gotten public here on the main forums.

Tapastic and Tapas models are so different, one needs to ask why make things even more strenuous for such a small team? It may be at its point of no return with all the business partners involved, but please simplify everything down. Yes, it's a learning experience for everyone, but I'm sure you guys have a hunch of the obvious things that bother you, too.