13 / 13
Jan 5

I'm currently a student, studying to become and ESL/TEFL teacher. Hopefully it will make me better at spelling/editing my novels and comics lol.

What do you do for a living/what are you studying?

  • created

    Jan 2
  • last reply

    Jan 4
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Sounds great! My day job is a military intelligence analyst. I don't put much of that into my comic, though!

Welding and sandblasting... play with fire, sand, electricity all the time :laughing:

Working on getting my masters in healthcare managment (focus on quality managment and epidimiology), working as a graduate assistant, and play on my colleges tennis team.

I'm a storyboard artist for commercials and film.

I write and draw my comics full time but after a decade of the crushing loneliness that comes from such an isolating job I started pursuing stand up comedy a few years ago and its not much but I made about $2k from it total in 2024 and it goes up a little bit every year which feels really encouraging!

really? that's so cool. did you start out making comics freelance or do you work for a company as well?

Sewing, jogging, video games... but I'm on my way on becoming a policeofficer (currently in second year of training) so my time is very limited ^^' my wish is to get into criminal investigation in the future :slight_smile:

I started with just posting my stuff online and collecting the work in self published books that I would take to cons where I eventually connected with the publishers I work with now. In between I would do some freelance illustration and comics work for magazines and such. I still do some freelance every once in a while but very rarely. Mostly I’m just working on books for my publishers!

I fix cars. I'm the lead tech at a European specialty shop so I work on everything from BMW's & Benz's to Ferraris and Fiats.

These are my typical day: Timing chains in an Audi A4...

Engine replacement in a BMW 335:

I'm getting my degree in mechanical engineering and I spend a lot of time at the lab(evil) but for work I'm a TA/grader. Some of my machines from the lab, we make actuators:

Digital Media artist. Back in the day it meant intractive media, website, graphic, illustration, print media like covers, posters, etc.
Pre Epilepsy it was full time for a consulting firm, now its commissions.

I work in biotech. Started in research, transitioning to manufacturing (new year, new me?) hahaha. My current novel (https://tapas.io/series/A-monsters-heart/info for those who are interested) does not have any influence from my work, but I actually have an unpublished WIP that does. Hoping to publish it as well if my current one is received well (fingers crossed).