omg this is adorable!! <3 <3 Also I can really see you improving with faces your proportions have been getting better, and with your other character her skintone was looking much more readable but still reading deeply melanated. Guess I'm going to have to draw Mara >:O!! I shall go off draw a cute one of her too.
Yeah it looks super cute!! And don’t be too down, I think people just wanted to help. You’ve seemed to take some of the advice too, making her more readable through a lighter color, but still it gives off the vibe of how deep her skintone is. Don’t get too discouraged, art is a lot of mess ups and just learning from it.
Or is for me currently, I’m reworking your part of the trade. My brush pen I was using for Mara, not to be confused with Mora, RAN OUT so it got all effed up and splotchy and terrible so I had to paint over it
I wasn’t intending to make you a painting but it’s sort of turning out that way. In art I feel like I make lots of mistakes but I just work with it until something does start working.
Keep with it, you got all your characters to draw >:0!! Stories to tell! I mean to say I just don’t want to leave you feeling discouraged, sending care
Yeah, i think a lot of folks just wanted to help too, so I'm trying to take the advice to improve the character design, it's just frustrating trying to learn something this hard lol, and it's even more stressful making mistakes where people can see you, imao
this is so relatable lol
thanks that means a lot
@beebutterbee Omg this is AMAZING! can I share this on my ig and credit you? and yeah, that was way more rendering than i expected you to do
Of course! feel free to share any of my art trades in the future too. And the Chariot is so cute honestly, you really are the queen of drawing plus sized characters!! Thank you for drawing her for me <3
Also maybe the skin tone issue you're having is actually a problem of screen color/tone! On my laptop, and the computer in the house, your drawings are super readable. But on my ipad its very dark, but that's an issue with smart phones- they're too saturated. I'd never use them to edit color for my prints because they color just isn't true to match what it will print like. Because right now on my laptop I can see Mora's face very clearly! Ahh technology Dx I love her outfit though!! Lol a crusty mom xD I can see the retro vibes in her outfit, I love the pattern in the top especially. I'm a sucker for intricate textiles!!
Ohh, thank you and you're welcome, I'm glad you like it.
Maybe, if only there was a way to know what it would look like on all devices xd. It would make things so much easier.
Yeah, her harbor mom is old as dirt, but she's developed a lot of skills in that time. Glad you like the fit XD, it's on of my favorites i've designed so far I think. Therese must have better taste than i do
Two new fits I drew yesterday
This fit is actually made up of Therese's clothes but it's being worn by an unusually elderly-looking Mandy
Clothes Mandy likes way more. And yeah. I'm aware her hair is a mess, and so is she. Canonically, it was ruined by an incompetent hair stylist.
The double hair bow and body paint I'm considering a part of the outfit
lol, that would be cool, but don't stress yourself. this trade is open for anybody, but nobody seems interested in art trades lately for some reason. Miss Butter might be cool for me to try, though I'm not great at drawing thin girls, full disclosure. they always end up leaning sideways for some reason lol. still I'd give her a shot. Or maybe Mey.
Probably everyone needs a break too I know I need lots of rest from big projects and work so these things kinda go on the back burner. But they’re fun when I do have free time! I’d love to do another art trade with you, I’ll probably do one a lot simpler though just as warning so you’re not disappointed lol you lucked out with that painting
Ah I see, with me I think I might put too much pressure on myself for trades I tend to worry if its it nice enough so it can be a source of some stress for me honestly. But yes, everyone does work really differently. Because it seems they help you! Which is pretty cool that you figured out what helps u create
Yeah, and I think it's good that everyone's minds work differently so different parts of the world can run smoothly when we all work in tandem. Tbh, I have a procrastination problem when I get burned out, so working on lots of things I can go back and forth between helps me. And I think drawing other people's characters helps me because i have a concrete basis to work from rather than frustrating myself trying to turn my imagination into a reality since i don't have a real solid reference to work from xd. I was in an art rut for like a week until I drew Chariot, but now i can draw again. So technically, your ocs saved me lol