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May 2022

Hello Everyone!

My name is Devin and I recently started a studio called Taylored Media Studios72. We are in the process of finalizing our first team to work on a weekly serialization. Some of you might be familiar with our first post52.

We are now posting again asking for additional artists to help back fill roles when some of our team needs to take vacation, are sick, meet tight deadlines, etc… Artists who are selected for these roles will also be the primary artists on the next weekly serialization should they wish to be.

In our last post we reached out individually, this time we will ask for you to submit work based on our Scripts, Storyboards, and Line Art. All the details on how to submit will be below, please take note of a couple of things first.

We understand most artists have side jobs, prior commitments, commissions, etc.. and to submit “free” work takes away from that. This is why when you submit, you do not have to complete every single panel. When reviewing the material you can select certain panels and do as many as you want. We recommend diversifying your panels such as character focused, background focused, and effects to show what you’re capable of.

Expected compensation should you get the role vary between $100 - $400 per episode. If you can fulfill multiple roles, please apply for them in one email to easily keep track.


Download Link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1BXURwviVQY3Mt2l1zsni4_eltZj8I39Y?usp=sharing95


  1. Download the Submission/Storyboard folder
  2. Use the Script.pdf to storyboard the series
  3. Once complete send the rendered panels and source files (.psd, .clipp, …etc)
  4. Make sure to number the panels based on the script when doing a select few.

Line Art

  1. Download the Submission/LineArt folder
  2. Use the rendered storyboards as a guide to Line Art the selected panels
  3. Character designs and background elements are up to you
  4. Included are examples of the previous Line Artists that we are currently working with along with panels from popular series.
  5. Once complete send the rendered panels and source files (.psd, .clipp, …etc)


  1. Download the Submission/Colorist folder
  2. There are two PSD files containing Line Art for you to color
  3. An example of some of the finished colored panels will be provided along with reference images to popular series.
  4. Once complete send the rendered panels and source files (.psd, .clipp, …etc)

Sending Submission

  1. When complete email your submission to info@tayloredmediastudios.com
  2. Use the subject heading [Submission] - [Your Name]
  3. Indicate within the body of the message which roles you are trying applying for.
  4. Feel free to include any other portfolio links

Thank you to everyone who is participating. We will get back to everyone who applies within a month of your submission.

Happy drawing :slight_smile:

FAQ: (Any questions asked on the thread will be updated here)

Is there a deadline to submit?
- No, we are looking for artists to help with our workload and find them work. Positions do fill on a first come basis.

How much work is expected weekly?
- In general, we handle weekly serializations that have 30-50 panels per episode. We also help other teams meet their deadlines which means taking care of 1-20 panels here and there. We are a growing studio so work is very fluid at the moment.

Is the pay per episode?
- If you are working on a weekly serialization the pay is per episode and long term commitment is required. If you are assisting on a series and other work, it is a per panel rate.

Can you apply for other roles separately?
- Yes, you can submit for each role individually.

Can we send download links?
- Yes, you can submit links for download. Google Drive is preferred but not mandatory.

  • created

    May '22
  • last reply

    Aug '22
  • 8


  • 1.8k


  • 5


  • 12


  • 4


Hi I'm interested but I'd like to know if there's a deadline to submit?

You wrote that the pay is between $100 and $400, but you didn't say anything about the amount of work the artists would need to complete. Is this pay per episode? How many panels are in an episode? How often do you release episodes?

27 days later

Hi o/ please I have some more questions
1 is it possible to submit each role as we finish? Cause I just finished the coloring aspect and now entering the inking one but would like to submit the coloring one now or should I submit both the inking and coloring ones at the same time?
2 and can we send mega links containing our clip files? I'm asking this cause mine is over 25mb and if it's more than that gmail won't attach it as an attachment

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1 month later

closed Aug 11, '22

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