1 / 22
Jan 2023

Hello forum

You ever made a panel that you put too much effort into for no reason?
That just makes you think of that notepad that goes "now let's all agree to never be creative again~"?

For me, I needed to do a crowd shot. Originally I thought I'd just do a grey crowd, maybe even a blob. Something like this--

But then I had this character that actually does stuff in the story. I didn't like how visually obvious it was that he would speak. I wanted more harmony with the crowd.

So I just need to make the crowd just as detailed, right? I never drew a crowd like that before, but it can't be that hard, yes?

The scene isn't even that important or great yet it took the most time out of all the panels I've ever done lol

How about you? What's your most time consuming panel for the least reward?

  • created

    Jan '23
  • last reply

    Feb '23
  • 21


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  • 14


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  • 1


Any panel with some kind of a street scene type background in Errant probably left me sobbing.

This page was probably one of the absolute worst, featuring both a city skyline and then this detailed street scene with people in it.

Similar vibe on this one, where I BUILT A 3D ROUND TABLE AND SPECIAL CHAIRS IN BLENDER AAAAGH :cry_02:

Ack! City scenes!

That city corner is very lovely btw. I like how lived in the world looks.

I've been avoiding cities for as long as I've been drawing. I've got some coming up and I'm scared lol

Never had the patience to learn modeling so major respect to you. It is a very pretty set.

Oh yes! Wide shots definitely take more time--especially planning.

But as a reader I always spend more time admiring them so they feel pretty worth it.

Establishing shots very much earn their time sink!

And I do that too with the hidden details. I just get carried away~~~

I don't model but I've definitely made assets I end up not using. Always makes me sad lol

Oh no! I would have forced myself to use those somehow!
They're so vibrant and detailed!
If a panel makes it to flats, I will find a way to use it somehow even if I change the scene haha

I really like your building designs!

A worthy place to put your effort haha

I always end up drawing pretty defined bodies even tho all my OCs wear baggy clothes lol

I am too lazy to put too much effort into anything for no reason, so my reason for putting too much effort into a lot of panels is 'to practice drawing scenery for my future comic where scenery will be very important' :stuck_out_tongue: 'For the least reward' though ... it's probably this one:

It doesn't look like much, but I remember this panel being an absolute nightmare for some reason, and I don't even like how it turned out, but eventually I was like 'screw it, I've had enough of this' ... so definitely the most effort for the least reward XD (Maybe it just felt like the most effort :P)

I have more visibly complex-looking panels, but at least I liked how they turned out :'D

I'm the opposite; if I got to a point in my script where I had to draw a particularly tedious panel, it would have to be a 100% necessary panel for my story that I'm absolutely GUARANTEED to use, otherwise it would never even make it past the sketch before I decided to cut it, even if I had to change the scene XD

I used to put way too much effort into most of my panels, it was like every single one. But it was always disproportionate because I'd put all the detail into my characters and next to nothing into my backgrounds in most scenes. There were a lot of panels from my most recent episode that took a lot of effort like this one

And y'know, it's a big epic moment, so it makes sense to put a lot into it, but I'd been drawing like that for so long, even in more comedic pages like this one

That many panels and I insisted on using that much hatching in every single one. I doesn't look bad, I think once I got good at it, it came out pretty well more often than not. It's just that doing it that much basically turned me off from making drawings that detailed. So I draw like this now

It's a lot less work for what I feel like is an as good or even better result. Plus I find it just as fun to do and that's the part that matters to me the most personally

Both scenes that showcase other folk's character, for sure! I put in way too much effort trying to make them all recognizable, and all that jazz.

Full frontal nudity, drug use, alcohol


Also, this page was the bane of my existence. I hate drawing urban/city bs and vehicles.

Now I can't say these weren't worth the effort. I draw my comic for the process, so I like detailing things up, and putting in more effort than needed. In the end I'm glad I drew these scenes since they gave me more experience, which is always valuable. But man, they were a slog to get through!