Some of them do read and buy my print collections, so that can make me feel antsy about what I put in my material. However, I try not to let it affect me too much to the point of watering down my writing even if I do unconsciously have some restraints on what I'll show.
One thing that does bring a little solace about that is that I've already created an entire backlog of material before they even considered looking at what I made, so they'll probably see the worst of what I've shown.
Husband's (writer's) mom is checking out our comics sometimes. My mom doesn't, since our comics are in English, but she's subbed to my Instagram, liking attack that stuff We are not taking any of it into consideration, even though sometimes mom is asking me some stuff that makes my inner teenager cringe a lot, but I understand she's doing it with the best intentions, so I just try to close the topic as quickly as I can
"It's just art and it has nothing to do with my personal life".
On their own, no. But my mom worked as an editor for a while, so she likes going over it with me to clarify dialouge. My dad read it for a while then fell off and my Lil bro reads them in bursts but doesn't really get the story and just wants to support me.
During editing I have managed to get my mom to laugh with my dumb jokes in the comic. Which makes me immensely happy.
I'm honestly fine with it. It's not like it's detrimental to the point where I'm like "they're holding me back" lol. One of the biggest ones is "no swearing" and I've been trying to commit to that. At this point it's a game and it's helped me come-up with clever insults while also making certain characters more intimidating.
The thing is I get certain rules like "no nudity", "no sex", "no blasphemy".... they're okay with violence and psychological horror tho which is a total plus. Just no gore.
Oh i decided very early on that I was going to do whatever I wanted. My comics vary from family friendly to very adult with sexual content. It didn’t matter when I wasn’t talking to my family about it but now that they know its my entire livelihood they just know what I do.
My mom and her husband are very very supportive and even brag to their friends about me because they think its the coolest thing in the world that I support myself with my little ideas and words and doodles. My dad on the other hand knows but I’m not sure he’s super thrilled about the content. As far as I’m concerned he didn’t raise me and that opinion means nothing to me. Also I’m not going to take a hit on my income just to appease someone. Its simply not worth it.
Noooope I would not want my parents reading my comics ... or at the very least, not read them while knowing I'm the one who made them :'D They're not interested in webcomics and one of them doesn't have much English under their belt, so that's probably not gonna happen anyway XD
Other family members ... maybe, when they get to an age where they can handle things :]
I let my siblings read them so they could give me feedback and suggestions.
As for my parents, my father was curious about it, and I think he read a couple of chapters. He dislikes the profanities I use, but later, he understands that it gives character. My mother sadly doesn't understand English.
I don't mind my family reading my work. But probably not my extended family. I'll be embarrassed!
No, and fortunately they're highly unlikely to. They are vaguely aware that I'm making a comic, because I've mentioned it a few times, but I don't think they even know the title, and none of 'em are the type to read webcomics for fun anyway. Which I am 100% fine with.
I don't really show my family MOST of my art, in fact. My mom went a little 'Satanic Panic' when I was a teenager and made it clear she didn't approve of magic, monsters, superpowers, etc. Of course, rather than stop reading/writing/drawing that stuff (and making fluffy Christian stuff like she probably wanted me to...), I just... hid it.
It took me a long time to be able to trust real IRL people other than a few close friends with my actual, non-decoy art, again.
My dad made the handlettering for my last printed comic and my mum helped me with the
dialogue. They are both over 80. My brothers family, wife, nieces read my comic.
It´s a silly cartoonish family friendly comic.
I have other stories, comics which are not family friendly and I don´t share
them with anyone for some reasons. 1) I will start teaching kids next year
2) I don´t want creative decisions / thoughts to be influenced by society/family.
When you have one thought about the "target audience" it will have influence on
your expression as an artist and that´s something I want to avoid. I don´t want
to communicate with anyone when I´m doing art, my goal is to create something
that I love without thinking about what other people exspect me to do or want
to see
I'd pretty much have to write under a pseudonym and publish in secret to avoid my mum reading my comics.
I'm from a small town, and I've been doing professional work in comics and placing in national comics competitions since I was in my early twenties. My parents are very proud of me and I learned as a kid, it doesn't matter if what I'm drawing is the weebiest, trashiest anime stuff, they will show it to the entire town if I even just leave it somewhere where they can find it (as a child this was leaving it somewhere in the house, as an adult, it's putting it anywhere on the internet that can be found via my name) whether or not they're given permission.
On the upside and to their credit, my parents are perfectly fine with me being gay, making comics with LGBTQIA+ characters and themes, and fortunately since my parents are staunchly socialist and feminist, it's hard to put political stuff in my work that will upset them (in fact my mum loves all the political themes in my work).
....But I still don't like putting stuff in my work where I'd feel uncomfortable if my parents, siblings, all my old teachers saw it. I'm not ashamed of being gay, so having characters be gay in my work is fine, and I'm long-past being embarrassed about being a weeb, so I happily draw manga trash about people with spikey hair and giant swords, but I draw the line at anything ecchi. 'Cause when the character is leering at and sexualising other characters... it's kind of you, the creator doing it in a way (because you're the one drawing the body and choosing the angle, it's your gaze), and I just don't want my parents seeing me drooling over ladies... that's just....eugh, it's like if you went to a strip club and took your parents along to watch you getting a lapdance or something!
My parents are the only ones who basically follow my two comics at the moment, one of which I don't even post anywhere and don't translate into English, now it exists only for them and for me. When I was a teenager, they didn't consider creativity to be something important and weren't interested in it (or sometimes even angry that I spend too much time on it xd), but now they even like what I do and it seems to me that without their support lately I would have given up and not even tried to start something create it now :>