20 / 24
Feb 2023

I can see how it's tacky here in threads that aren't promotion threads.

Coming from another site that has forum signatures where you're encouraged to put the link + cover to your work, I really like that system, and it feels like there's less people over there explicitly asking for others to read their work in non-promo threads. Plus it doubles as passive advertisement. I wish more sites had something like that.

Yeah, I love forum signatures. My link is always there, if you like what I say you'll like my comic and you can immediately click the link. Never have to do any advertising so I can focus on having quality discussions.

You know. This thing wouldn't be a problem if people 1. didn't spam the threads 2. remembered that googling exists. I remember once this lady kept putting her link on all my threads because she wanted me to have her link in case I wanted to read her work. I doubt she even considered that i could look at the dozens of other threads she'd spammed on or searched her name in the forum to find her link.

1 month later

closed Mar 22, '23

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