2072 / 2093
Mar 12

One random sentence from my latest chatper:

"Ok, Sword, you might have main character energy but you have 'side character decision making skills', Chris, your half-baked recycled insults are just 'you're stupid' with extra attitude - like some trash can villain from a filler arc, Leon, your survival rate is directly tied to how much plot armour Pharolen is willing to lend you, and Neo, you think you’re funny but we only laugh because we don’t know how to react!"



Can't believe we are at 25 Chapters and counting! It feels like yesterday that I started writing it and now we are around 13 chapters from finishing Volume 1!

Anyway, here are the links if you want to check it out. :blush:

“Shalan Kada Rzio Tey and Urla'khar Varrak Sava are the embodiments of Order and Chaos.
Creation and Destruction. These two are also known as the White King Vessel Sheep Egg and the Black King Vessel Goat Egg.” Naaririel continued studying the guardian’s expression.

"Você é retardada por acaso?"
Poketrix capítulo 4

The lot of them are thrown inside one of the cells, They hear the slam of the metallic door behind them, then the clinking of keys as it is sealed shut, trapping them inside.

"Facing me, Mell closes his eyes tightly and grimaces as his head tilts ever so slightly to the right before swiveling around to face her."