Only the last thing you drew! Those are the rules! Go!
Finished this yesterday. Also that kitty is adorable!
For a panel in my comic.
it's me and my husband xDthis was the last panel to a doodle comic I drew up really quick. the rest is here
You are short! I'm 5'9 xD
lolol the average height for women is 5' 4" (in the US anyway).
I am neither male or female (gender-fluid) but I will say I'm glad that is not the case for me. (Lives in the US)
sweats because I still need to finish this commission piece
Background practise, I don't draw this realistic for my webtoon
Uuuuuh, the last thing I drew was a page from my comic Those Called Wolf.
I also just realized that there is a cat in your ice cream cone lol! Very creative, I love it!
Digimon design that belongs to Mod Wormmon!
Looks so nice in full color! I wish I could do mine in full color.... but 350 pages in, no way I can go back and color them all.
Something I plan on coloring
I just finished this year's gift tag design. I make a custom one every year.
study stuff bc i want to get myself up to speed for my next school semester lol...
The last think I drew! character from my comic Wednesday7.
Color has its pros and cons, it takes too long and some times I feel like it can take away more than add - plus, with the way you draw yours, there is so much character in your line work that I don't think it needs color!
The main character of my webcomic
High heels are weird.
eh flaws happen. still working on going from traditional to digital