17787 / 17930
Feb 17

Finished an ep today, so I rewarded myself with finishing a piece I started last year. Now my new desktop bg.

Safe to say, I'm still riding that me espresso high​:sweat_smile:

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FINISHED the piece- moving on to the next one...

I recently drew a picture of Ragnar beating up Melville's Bartleby the Scrivener.

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A pretty emotional scene that’s been simmering in my head for a while.

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Had a friend talking to me about the anime Re:zero while I was playing Hunt Showdown. So that inspired me to draw this.
(I drew the character not the background)

I thought it would be fun to draw King Daevon if he actually dressed like the necromancer that he is. Funny that you’ll only see him use his necromancer powers once in the entire 186 pages of my comic. Although if I did somehow make the sequel, he would definitely be using them a lot more and would probably dress more like this.

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Two fanarts inspired by the comic Bay Be Fresh1:

Squishy and Gum-Man

Gummy-Chan and Little Grim Riding Hood:

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