8550 / 17940
Sep 2020

I have many regrets in life. His name? Not one of 'em.

It's a great name and you should feel proud. :slight_smile:

As someone else who works traditionally, I know that struggle with things taking forever and might be biased. Though I haven't read your comic and don't exactly know what is going on based off just these panels, I personally think this looks great!

Thanks... I actually change style for each episode (even though always traditional and b&w), and I swear that'd be the last time I'm doing a full page in pointillism...
Here was the art style for last week episode: https://tapas.io/episode/18750191, hope you'd like it too!

Something a little different from the usual scenes of battle and action. An ancient artifact down a dry well. In its day a clay pot would be worth nothing. Two hundred years later it is a rare find. Sometimes I find the repetitive texturing almost relaxing.

Yeah interesting style!
Careful with your white text over white background areas though, a little harder to read. c: