8560 / 17930
Sep 2020

I miss fishing, so got this out of my system... First part of tomorrow's update on Effy (that is if I finish the damn page, pointillism takes forever, I think it'll be time for me to seriously get into digital).

I have many regrets in life. His name? Not one of 'em.

It's a great name and you should feel proud. :slight_smile:

As someone else who works traditionally, I know that struggle with things taking forever and might be biased. Though I haven't read your comic and don't exactly know what is going on based off just these panels, I personally think this looks great!

Thanks... I actually change style for each episode (even though always traditional and b&w), and I swear that'd be the last time I'm doing a full page in pointillism...
Here was the art style for last week episode: https://tapas.io/episode/18750191, hope you'd like it too!

Something a little different from the usual scenes of battle and action. An ancient artifact down a dry well. In its day a clay pot would be worth nothing. Two hundred years later it is a rare find. Sometimes I find the repetitive texturing almost relaxing.

Yeah interesting style!
Careful with your white text over white background areas though, a little harder to read. c:

Latest character profile poster of Ri-Yoi Sun!

Ri-Yoi Sun

Ri-Yoi Sun. keeps most to himself and struggles with his stories of yesterday. Trying to move on and make the most of things, he does his best to be a good person.

Read more about Ri-Yoi & get to know him in Over 8 Miles Blue heart

Also it's drawing while black weekend! Check mine and other artists works on twitter~

Here's mine! GGY's Twitter Post

Happy weekend everyone! :smiley:

The only ones I consider short are my rabbits since they are extremely short even when they are standing on their hindlegs xD It's all about perspective. In comparison to the tallest person in the world, Robert Wadlow who was 8 ft 11.1 in, we're all short! Unless someone is 8ft 12in xD

I’ve decided to take on a project to draw 21 characters of mine (spanning 7 different stories) in a Character Selection Screen, similar to Super Smash Bros. It’s been pretty fun so far, and I’m learning a lot about coloring. I’ve only got one character finished so far. It used to have 30 characters planned for the roster, but after trying to fit all of the character slots on the page, I decided on 21 characters.

Ok cool thanks. Hope your comic is coming along great!