1261 / 1626
May 2024

Going forward with the first ep of the new season! Jumped the gun on coloring, cause I wanted to visualize--the colors...

I'm trying to pull a Zixibi and insert my subs/random OCs into that second panel. I think I can fit 40 into that scene (others will get chicken versions).
So far I got ThunderChicken's Daecon, KevinReijner's Kyara, Cly and Rin from PJthetoonaddict(not sure why I did two) and Ian? from ArtGremlin. Got a lot more to go but I gave myself a lot of time to complete this arc (and it's much shorter than that whopping finale, thank goodness!)

Will update progress as it occurs...

A little left on pencils and then I can move on to inks

Got a tiny bit more progress with @Leyelle ‘s character Kattar for my half of the art trade! (ps: sorry I’m taking so long :sob:)

Finished background renders; will start inks tomorrow evening...

Oh wow, how did I only just now see this!?

I was thinking that it wasn't gonna make a whole lot of sense for someone to be dressed like Kyara is in a real world setting, unless it were a cosplay. Only to then see the "cosplayers welcome" sign 🤣

Ya beat me to it hahaha

@2DLenzy. PLOT TWIST : Cly and Rin aren't cosplayers, they're there on a murder case. 🤣

If they WERE cosplaying, they'd have pulled out the Zatara/Zatanna fits. 🤣

No apologies needed XD. Take your time. For some reason I just really like the effect of the flower stems in the packaging right now. it reminds me of painted glass

Started inks on the background...will ink the main figure this evening.

Started inks on the main figure yesterday evening; gonna pace myself over the next couple of nights so that I can be sure in what I'm wanting to do with this piece...

Inked the hands, face, & "tattoos" last night- will start inking on the fins this eve...