1331 / 1632
Jul 2024

Finished more inks- added a background...trying to decide if I might add a little more to the background; other than that, I just need to ink the faces and I can move on to colors.

Finally decided to make a series banner. This made me realize how small the main cast is in my story. Any other character you see once or twice then never again. Except for those other two characters… but they’re spoilers so :zipper_mouth:

Added more to the background & started colors on the piece...kinda all over the place coz I wanted to use pattern on Dyne's shirt but I have to find a hi res vector.

Working on a last commission so I can take a break for a week and a half, hopefully dedicate some time to webcomics batches.

Working on redrawing some older episodes of my comic

Old vs New

Started INKS...the hair is gonna be the hardest part