1597 / 1626
Feb 24

My progress on colors so far...

More progress...almost done with the piece

Hiya! I'm in ADD heck rn. I'll just start with showcasing my newest project. I figured announcing it unofficially might get me to focus more on it instead of the other 10 I have bouncing around in my head lol.
Thought I'd go back and work on an illustrated novel I started during the AF tourney.
These are the sigils(wips) of the two most prominent clans/families featured in the story.

the Avernes (peacocks)

and chickens/roosters(King Gallius)

Might redo/update them to look more polished - these are over six months old. More to follow later...

Thanks..! Trying to keep up on something modern, but also contributes to an "edgier futuristic" look

Sometimes, I really hate myself for the artistic decision I’ve made.

I haven't had much time to work on my comic in the past two months, but I have managed to get together some sketches

And then here is a better look at the Minotaur lady above without the distracting background

just one panel of my upcoming comic

These days I've been having a good feel for drawing, and I feel I've made progress in expressing ink painting. I should be able to release chapter five before 3/20.

I'm baaaack! Got a LOT done this week! This is art related to a novel I plan to release in a couple months or so. Right now I'm having fun with the art!
Changed the rooster's color and head shape, redid the other though not much was changed...

An old design of a character, Princess Gail Avernes:

And her re-design:

Along with her twin brother, Gust Avernes

He's a pyromaniac and the bad guy in the novel.
There's more art, including the cover, but I'm taking it slow...

Currently finished the pencils...started inks

Drafts, not quite there yet.

a rough action shot of augusta, a knight and vice captain in the Fake Saintess Doesn't Want to Save the World. She hasnt featured much in episodes so far but she will fairly soon and she is amazing. I have very little experience drawing action and am not great at drawing people so I'm practicing different poses with her

obligatory side note i am aware a doubled sided glaive does not really make sense for a real-life battle but they so cool and this is not real life please let me have this lol

Not only is Nives really tall, I’ve started reducing the average height of people. It really makes her stand out.

I’m getting better at drawing crowds, but I can stop myself from creating unique designs and a basic backstory for every throwaway character. Also I Tried something different for creating the buttons on Nives’ outfit, that should save me time and deliver more consistent results.