780 / 1554
Jun 2023
10 days later

working on new chapter cover (choices, choices)

Whole character missing but I crushed my thumb so no drawing today...

Finished colors on a bunch of Clique #4 pages...have 4 pages left in the book, but have to get back to packing coz I'm moving this weekend. Will finish the final 4 pages after I get moved and get stuffs set up..!

My favorite panel and my least favorite panel that I've inked recently. Jesus that second one is a mess...

Also has anyone else noticed that they cant get a larger preview of the an image included in a post by clicking on it. Its hard for me to describe in a way that makes sense so might be speaking complete gibberish here XD

26 days later

Done with fully sketching my latest episode. It's hard to make a lot of text fit in vertical format, so I resort to using full page illustrations under semi-transparent speech bubbles

12 days later

My latest WIP. Should be completed tonight. Two of my characters in the city, and it is the one in the passenger seat's first time ever in a vehicle.

Well~ Here goes nothing
Working on a Buddy Daddies fancomic

Scarlet Society

Yandere City

And then an art raffle prize (From a Charity Stream I did with a friend)

I literally found Krita by googling "good free art programs". I had taken a 25 year break from drawing, and let me tell you there has been a bit of a learning curve. I'm getting there though...

Script and thumbnails are done.

All that's left is the drawing.

And the posting.

And the soul destroying silence.

Had been planning to do a Spidersona(my own spider character design influenced by the Spider-Verse movies) since the first Spider-Verse movie in 2018, but I'm not a quickety-quick artist to crank out trending fan art stuffs...so now the second movie has dropped(I saw it this past weekend) and it lit a fire under me- especially since other creators are showing their spidersona art again, or creating their first pieces; so here I am finally putting my doodles together that I've been designing over the past 5 years...

Doing it on my iPad in CSP.

Did arm and leg designs today...only thing left is the mask- trying to debate if I can make it work with some mandibles on it.

Rough inking and colouring done on image #24 for my graphic webnovel, Finding Daecon's Way. I've already started adding the textures to the floor. As I add textures, shading, and lighting I refine the inking. I've got to make the dude with the blue hair look older, for one thing. He small, but he is an adult and is actually married to the ginger dude. His hair is naturally blue - he is a shapeshifter, and his bird form is a blue jay.

Oh, and the cat? That cat knows things...

Finished image will be posted here later today or tomorrow, depending on my ambition and ADHD status. It will be mid-to-late July before it ends up in the series though, as I've got a six week buffer and am working on week 7 with this one.

It has some details I need to fix, but I'm going to share the finished version. Aki from my novel Alpha Longing

Just started this one. Image for chapter 25 of my webnovel, Finding Daecon's Way. Still lots of work to do to it, right now I'm just setting the general layout and making a plan.

Oh, and that wolf? That is no ordinary wolf, nor is he a werewolf. In the last image (posted above) he was a house cat. He is a shapeshifter (the two humans in the pic are as well).

Some progress on this image. It's been a bad week: Between thunderstorms causing power outages and my elderly mother first falling ill, then actually falling and breaking her nose (she's 80) I haven't been able to dedicate the time that I wanted to this drawing. Still, a little progress is better than none. Got the rough inking done, the background laid out, and some preliminary colouring. Most of my refinements are made during the final colouring stage, so this image will look significantly different when finished:

Got into a hyper-focus zone today

Still have to do the background. She's supposed to be running on the side of a building, hence the angle.

Finished the image that I started above. See that house through the window? I spent hours drawing a whole ass house, adding detail such as siding, a copper roof, bricks in the chimney, etc (and in the full size image all of these components are textured). Then I went and covered most of it with the foreground.

Still, I'm glad I got it finished. This was a busy weekend topping off a crazy week and I was afraid I was falling behind.

Just started the sketch-up for my next image. This one is gonna be epic and will push my skills to the limit. I've been dreading doing this one since I wrote the story.