977 / 1553
Dec 2023

Lineart for an upcoming episode of Grand Epic Elemental

Video showing drawing process

Super ultra W.I.P. But I’d like to call this piece “Betrothed aliens with a language barrier”

Not really a top priority at the moment. Maybe I’ll finish it one day…

Rough sketching and inking for a Finding Daecon's Way winter special: Making snow angels.

I'm actually kind of excited and nervous about this one: This will actually be the first multi-panel comic strip that I've done since the mid 1990's.

For what it's worth, here is the actual last strip I drew almost 30 years ago. You'll have to mind the water damage. It's about a "fort" that my friends and I were building in the woods with scrap wood and almost no tools. I drew up a set of official looking "plans" but the building didn't end up looking anything like those plans.

Next issue starts the lead-up to "the part", so I'm trying out slightly more realistic proportions.

The part is of the steamy variety. I'm approaching this the same way I approach fights: they don't happen often, but when they do boy howdy do they ever.

I've got this comic I'm working on! I'm actually looking for artists for it, as I'm not the one doing the art for this one, but the writing.

First panel completed of my "Snow Angels" Drawcember comic.

I definitely have a new favourite drawing of Evander. And Daecon and I pretty much share an opinion on winter. I own snowmobiles not because I like snow, but because snow is coming whether I like it or not, so I might as well make the most of it...

Not looking forward to finishing these backgrounds...

at least I finally figured out how to draw a cat-man. :+1:

Currently working on this...slowed down since day job has been keeping me busy.

I'm learning to love drawing backgrounds vs character headshots...

I wrote a 20 panel story as an introduction comic today. I'm doing the proofreading right now.

working on my comic, and I know I am going to die once its time to colour!

Layouts today!

When I was a young 'un the goal was to get a fully inked page, or maybe two, done per day. The modern Step-A-Day process has been hard for me to adapt to. Maybe I should stick to what I know, but I'm not drawing a fully inked page a day now, am I?

The Taco Baco took forever

It's my comic's Taco Bell, so it was a labour of love. Keen eyed readers will notice signs like "Eat this dumb food!", "80% less smell!", and ""Brisket" style meat substance!"

Oh god I have so much to draw, for some reason I forced myself to draw a subway car.