1580 / 1626
Feb 7

Finished colors on the Andrexxia piece- used Ouija concepts on the background art:

Took me a few adjustments for my MC, MAINLY the face and hair, been playing around before I make things official. Overthinking to the max for HOURS, deciding which hair colour, eye colour, features, hair style, etc. Stuck with this one. . .šŸ¤ This look is 100% it. Also, you can see some texturing, added a bit of grain. It looked...stiff and icky without it.
Now, since I've figured out my MC, it's time for my ML, my antagonists, my side characters, and more characters....šŸ„“ This is also a solo project, mind you. My first ever...Short BL comic story! As a test run/practice run! Maybe 10-25 chap MAX.
I thank to the people I looked up to :bow:šŸ»All the BL authors and artists. This how much they've inspired me to make my own BL comic!!
Ofc, my comic haven't been made public yet...lotsa work to do...Haven't even reached up to 5 chapters yet...I'll have it public once I'm 100% sure.
I can tell it'll take a while, maybe a year or two, for my comic to have actual progress and carry on with my actual chapter submissions, as I'm still learning...
All the environments, shadings, renderings, cars, miscellaneous objects/items, blood, clothes, animals, etc...I'm already getting a headache...(ļæ£ļ¹ƒļæ£)
But this picture is my 'hint' of what I'm workin' on in the background! My OC/MC.

But anyway,
I'm proud and happy at the progress. Suddenly my 'art spark' came back in full-swing while i'm workin' on this, after it's long 9 yr hiatus.
So here's my first post and my own WIP either way...:relieved: my lil bb bear<3 author-senpai will treat u right...šŸ¤don't worry.
also sorry for the yapping. i had 2 vanilla cappuccinos at 8pm...šŸ„“yarr

More progress on the piece from Friday morning..!

Sometimes I really want to draw in this wild style - I see it as an artistic expression, but I worry readers might think I'm being lazy.

I originally planned to publish this as the final version, but in the end I decided against it.:expressionless:

Texas looks like a totally different person in glasses

Coloring chapter 7 of The Daughter of Time.

Almost done with this one

Excuse my labels, I can be kind of forgetful TT

will I be able to successfully draw the lotus pose? that remains to be seen, but hey, this comic is designed to push me outside my comfort zone and help me improve my art, so i've at least gotta give it the old college try

My progress on colors so far...

More progress...almost done with the piece

Hiya! I'm in ADD heck rn. I'll just start with showcasing my newest project. I figured announcing it unofficially might get me to focus more on it instead of the other 10 I have bouncing around in my head lol.
Thought I'd go back and work on an illustrated novel I started during the AF tourney.
These are the sigils(wips) of the two most prominent clans/families featured in the story.

the Avernes (peacocks)

and chickens/roosters(King Gallius)

Might redo/update them to look more polished - these are over six months old. More to follow later...

Thanks..! Trying to keep up on something modern, but also contributes to an "edgier futuristic" look

Sometimes, I really hate myself for the artistic decision Iā€™ve made.