28 / 32
Feb 2021

Here's mine:

And here's my favorite:

Maor has a relaxed pace with really engaging character design and art style.

I appreciate you really like my series @DanielRKM, thank you :relieved: Yours is awesome as well with bold visuals, storylines & good dialogues too by the way! I can't do dialogues well but i hope i can surprise my readers sometimes...


It's official that I follow @brachoaugusto's comic like a fan. I love how he writes protagonist Adala with her struggles (as well as her savior/father figure Kae) in an intimate way. Good paneling skills, beautiful worldbuilding, rapid art improvements... also the '3rd person' narrative works like charm.

I hate to compare but can't help seeing his work being very similar to mine: coming-of-age anthro fantasy on a sad note. It's Interesting to see his characters are slowly empowered & getting out of their wounds, while mine has just begun getting in.

Now seeing his comic updates brings joy to me like my anticipated anime :grin:

Greetings! My comic:

My favourite comic (three, actually):

I have quite a bit of favorite comics on here, but I'll promote one that I feel isn't getting enough traction

And here's my comic

Also on Webtoon

Hey hello!

Here is my current favorite comic on Tapas (it actually got me to even discover Tapas!) :

Here's my comic for anyone interested :slight_smile:

Since I have 2 comics, it would only be fair if I post 2 favorites

Here are my 2 comics:

ANd here are 2 of my favorites:

Hello! My comic is

And my current favorite comic is

The main couple is adorable and you will learn to love them as the story progresses!

Here is my webcomic.


Here's my comic!

And my favorite!

This is such a fun one!

My comic is "Milord and the Tailor"

My Favorite comic
Do you even Witch

There are quite a few comics that I love on here and webtoon! Some are just starting out, but they look promising!

Here's comic that I love:

I know, quite a few XD

My comics:

My current comic

My rightnow I follow comic

18 days later

my comic (finished)

my favorite comic (currently)

Mine isn't a comic lol, still wanted to try it out.

And this is one of my favourite comics