80 / 269
Feb 2018

Cosplay is serious business...at least when big cash money is involved.


Today's update! There are some great poses in these panels.

the latest from cloverlines!

if you like this please subscibe and like my comic!

Newest update~

Another month and I've already forgot to post two pages. Eesh. To recap:

Orson and Julian got nabbed. And Orson lost his glasses (which means I DON'T HAVE TO DRAW THEM THE REST OF THIS VOLUME YAY!)

Elsewhere in the city, Markesha's #SorryNotSorry levels are at 'Do not give a single f*ck'. A bite on the hand is more than Audrey deserves for shooting people with random SHOTS. At least in Markesha's book.

If you like what you see you can check Kamikaze out at the link ->