309 / 335
Aug 2020

Mallory Bash #85: "She Had It Made"

In this episode, Ava comes upon an arborescent figure of Mallory laid out over a stump in the far reaches of the Dark Garden. She pleads with an unknown presence to stop its creation.

You can finally see something in TMoN. xD Also I'm 4 subs away from getting 50 and I wonder if I can reach that number before September. Probably not, but who knows. xD

Meanwhile there are some secrets in Aoihito. Are they about to be uncovered? :shook_01:

Updated again a few days ago ^_^ It's SLASH

Newest JETX page, Malicious does the drunk. -maliciouscorporationcondonestheuseofalchaholhoweveritisnotliabletosharingsobringdonttakeoursyousillygibbit-


Click the image for the Tapas one

Ira's small smile turned into a snarl at the tone in his voice, before she calmed the flame, "Remember my gift? Today is the day." She grinned and stepped closer to him.

With each step she took closer, he tried to shift back. All the way as far back as he could go. He could feel despair grip his throat as his back hit the wall next to his all too cozy cot, "Right, the 'gift.'" He sneered softly, eyes downcast as she sat next to him, "Does it come with another beating? I miss that oh so very much."

Find out how the process goes on the latest episode of Birth of a Sin


New page of my scifi fantasy comic! Read the whole thing in Tapas and Webtoons!

From my latest update!