


Hello im Prismaudy a 23 french student
:heart:Please check out my comic on Tapas : Vanilla Society
:heart:Feel free to subscribe I will do the same !

Jul 27, '18
Last Post
Sep 4, '23
Sep 5, '23
Trust Level

Hello! I'm a hobbyist artist looking for a writer to collaborate on a fun project. We won't be offering payment, as we're doing this for the enjoyment of it. Im already tried this by posting q message here but the person i found wasn't serious at all . About me: - I'm a 24-year-old French woman …

strong text**Artist looking for a Writer /Unpaid** Hello to everyone , I hope there will be nothing wrong with my post as its my first one! I'm Prismaudee a 23 yo amateur artist from France . You may find some grammar mistakes here, and that's why I'm looking for a writer . I'm also looking for…

Hello I'm happy for you! I just subscribed by the way I love your colours ! My main comic reached 19 subscribers ! I'm so happy lol It's about a crazy TV reality show feel free to check and give me your feed back [image]

Hey ! My newest serie is called "on the top"it's about a girl and her mom who moves in a new apartment in a shady neighborhood! [image]

Did the sailor moon drawing challenge lol don't judge me :joy::sob: I absolutely love social networking art challenges [image]

I think you should first of all do what YOU FEEL COMFORTABLE WITH . As for my opinion I think you could honestly do both style ! Why not? The scenes looks differents :in the first drawing the character looks peaceful and the lines are softs as in the second it looks like there is some action going o…

Hey! My comics have not always a meaning and or a connexion with the story ! My first comic imaginated Vanilla society is about a crazy murderous TV reality show so we are far far far far away from that ! My second " comic on the top" is about a ambitious and cocky girl that is moving into a very ug…

So my latest page is from my new comic "on the top " it's a thriller horror story ! Check it out and tell me what you think ! [image]

You are very imaginative ! Good luck with doing that must be a lot of work !!! But I'm sure it will be worth it !! And u know! I've read on forums here that readers don't like to listen to music cause they listen to their own ! Oh well we will see thank you for your feedback

Yep it doesn't hurt and it's fun to find :joy:I can't help but think about a part in my story when I listen to music now lol , the song of the week is a really good idea I might steal it from you ! Cause it's one song doesn't hurt anyone to go check it ,I like that !

Thank you so much ! And thank you for your answer it is very helpful and I agree it can add a little something to the story you are trying to tell !

Hello you guys I'm publishing my comic August 31 : Vanilla Society is a crazy tv reality show who don't hesitate to push ethical boundaries to keep the viewers tuned in ...even if it means hurting it's contestants.... I'm just wondering :smile: what do you guys …

Vanilla Society is a crazy tv reality show who don't hesitate to push ethical boundaries to keep the viewers tuned in ...even if it means hurting it's contestants.... It's my first comic ! I can't wait for you to discover it !!!!!!! Vanilla Society is a crazy tv reality show who don't hesitate to push ethical boundaries to keep the viewers tuned in ...even if it means hurting it's contestants.... The first chapter is coming out August 31 ! Stay tuned

Hullo ! So here is my first comic ,I started drawing the pages not so long ago but have had this idea for years :slight_smile: Vanilla Society is a crazy tv reality show who don't hesitate to push ethical boundaries to keep the viewers tuned in ...even if it means hurting it's contestants....…

I absolutely love to draw characters ! But HATE to draw backgrounds...

I absolutely LOVEto do comic covers it's the most satisfying thing ever to do so here is two comic cover of my two current comics ! [image][image]

Hey ! My comic is called Vanilla Society it's about a crazy tv reality show who don't hesitate to push ethical boundaries to keep the viewers tuned in. Don't hesitate to comment and subscribe u will do the same! I will post the first few chapter this month !

Hello! My comic is called Vanilla Society it's about a crazy tv reality show who don't hesitate to push ethical boundaries to keep the viewers tuned in. I will post the first few chapter very soon !

Hey ! My comic is called Vanilla Society it's about a crazy tv reality show who don't hesitate to push ethical boundaries to keep the viewers tuned in. I will post the first few chapter soon!

Hey ! My comic is called Vanilla Society it's about a crazy tv reality show who don't hesitate to push ethical boundaries to keep the viewers tuned in. I will post the first few chapter this month !

Hey my comic is a mystery story. It tells the story of contestant who participates in a twisted tv reality show .... I have 6 subscribers and I only posted three pages for the moment it would really motivate me to keep going having new subscribers and review about the art style so far ! Also don…

Mine is a mystery comic ! I just started it and I can't wait to post more even thought I have to draw the chapters Lol , check it out and give me your honest review about the first pages art style I'm curious to see if people can enjoy it . Subscribe also ! I will totally do the same without a d…

Hello! So this is my comic " Vanilla Society " it's about a crazy tv reality show who don't hesitate to push ethical boundaries to keep the viewers tuned in ,even if it means hurting it's contestants.

Here is my comic called Vanilla Society it's about a crazy tv reality show who don't hesitate to push ethical boundaries to keep the viewers tuned in ,even if it means hurting it's contestants.

Hello I love your comic it look really good !I'm subscribin definetly !

Hello i'de like to participate! My comic : there is nothing to read so you get to the end very fast ! I'd like a review cause I'm really curious to know what people think about it, should I keep going ad a script ? I didn't received any feedback :frowning: hope you like it …

Hey im french i would be glad to help !

Nice to meet you all guys ! Honestly i was really not prepared for the "tapas community "! There is so many awesomes/creatives peoples here ! Im Audrey , a 19 french girl . I mainly draw girl things but with a gore weird side to it.