Post your newest pages from your comic and if anyone wants to sub 4 sub let me know {P.S. I will sub permanently and support your comic as long as you do the same.}
Just updated mine today.
Thanks for starting the thread! Updated yesterday, planning for weekly updates.
You have a nice style that's reminiscent of ones in Visual Novels!
Here's my two last pages ( in book format from right to left)
daaaaang, nice shading and linework! Your use of black to draw the eye is consistently great - I'm always scared of black, but you know just where to put it for panel balance.
Thank you for subbing me and glad you like my comic so far. Btw i subbed you as well and your comic looks really cool!
Here is mine!
And this one is airing a new episode tomorrow.
Seiyuu CRUSH! is updating all week! We're still pretty far back, on chapter 3.
For reference, here's the latest page on tapas vs. a newer page on our website, almost 1000 pages later. o_o
Meet Ludwig!
Just updated.
Chapter 1 is close to being finished. o7o Got roughly 34 pages made so far.
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Double trouble! Finale of Chapter 3, and a new Extras page!
"Signs Point to Bobbie" just updated! If you'd like a slice of life with a deaf MC, check it out! I'm doing a Q&A at 100 subs
Here's one of the panels!
New episode of Nocturne 21! Check it out!Only one sub away from my 100 sub milestone!
Well congrats i just became your 100th sub and i hope you can also sub/support my comics as well
@TadxSarah ahhhhh! Thank you so much! I just subbed to your comic and I look forward to reading it! ļøļøļø