20 / 27
Sep 2022

Hey everyone, promote your series with your non-drawn character and get a chance to receive free art!

The artist who drew my series' character design (Manasa) is going on a 3-month hiatus. So, they wanted to support writers without a drawn character by doing a special promotion where they'll choose a character, that is promoted here, and draw it by hand.

Please reply with your character name, description, and appearance to be considered. They will pick the one they find most interesting, and we will contact you for the finer details!

Here's their portfolio: https://ko-fi.com/manasa7965/gallery14

Here is a sample of a character description: https://tapas.io/episode/26180739

  • created

    Sep '22
  • last reply

    Oct '22
  • 26


  • 1.9k


  • 12


  • 27


  • 4


Oooooh, I'd love to do this!

I have a character named Delaney who hasn't appeared yet and is very interesting. I'll put her description down here.


Delaney is a 17-year-old skeleton girl who, due to very specific conditions at her birth, has massive boney wings, a long tail that ends in an upside-down-heart-shaped bone, and two long, devilish horns. She has ecto-hair in a single braid over one shoulder. It's gray from a distance, but up close, it's opalescent, sparkling with many colors. She has cracks on either side of her eye sockets that look like singular eyelashes, and her eyelights are white. She's very tall, with the tips of her horns usually scraping a normal doorframe.
Despite her frightening appearance, she's actually really sweet. She's a closed book, becomes defensive easily, has zero confidence in her abilities but can actually kick butt when riled. She's terrified of the concept of rejection.
She likes to wear a sky-blue hoodie with a midnight-blue cat hood (always up) and magenta ties and hearts on the shoulders. She also has long pink cat gloves with magenta fingers. Blue jeans with no holes. Pink and turquoise Pippi Longstockings and magenta and turquoise hi-tops. She's basically trying to cover as much bone as possible. Her wings and tail always blow out the back though. The tips of her wings, horns and tail are the same color as her hair, and Delaney has attempted to make her tail look less threatening by tying it off with a pink bow.

Why isn't it going in the spoiler?!

Thank you for the opportunity! :smile: I would love to see my favorite character, Jamal, come to life.

Jamal is a fun, happy-go-lucky 29-year-old black man who works as a dating service agent at a startup. He's flirtatious, a little vain about his looks, and a constant joker. Despite that, he's a loyal friend and lover who wears his heart on his sleeve.

He has a signet ring on his middle finger and he loves any tee that shows off his long neck. He wears his black hair in a long, messy fringe which compliments his long, oval, clean-cut face. He has well-defined eyebrows and playful brown eyes.

Hello there i am Manasa i really like the ideas but i will likely wait for atleast 5 days so that some other people wont miss this chance

Name: Ellis Ranger

Age: 14

Appearance: He has short wavey black (ebony) hair and chartreuse (green-yellow) eyes. For some reason, his eyes look more yellow than green. He is caucasian (light skin/ beige). He usually wears a red hoodie, blue jeans, and black sneakers. However, at school, he wears a uniform ( tan blazer, plaid olive green pants, black dress shoes, white collared shirt, and a green tie)

About him: Ellis has the ability to taste emotions. Each emotions have different tastes. Happiness= Bitter, Sadness= Sour, Anger=Salty, and Fear=Sweet. And guess what his favorite emotion is? Fear. He doesn't like that, but he cannot help the way he is. Ellis always tries to stay out the spot light, and tries to act like everyone else. But he has something that draws people in. He doesn't like the attention. However, at the same time he craves for it. It might be his hunger for fear, but he doesn't know for sure. Because of his ability, he can tell of the person feels when talking to him. Regardless of how they feel when speaking to him, whatever it be slight annoyance or something else, he pretends to act nice to them or not to care. It's helpful when someone is lying, but he hasn't mastered sight and taste.

My story is "The water steps"

It's a medieval fantasy where the gods have broken up the world into islands people can't escape because between them are gaps that ships can't cross without falling into nothingness. People get around this by the use of spells done by witches who can bridge the gaps.

My character isn't a witch but he basically declares war against the gods. His name is Bastien.

He's a skinny 20 something year old guy. His hair is short and white, eyes are silver. He wears a sand colored poncho that has green embroidery. He also carries a single shot pistol that has a very medieval style design because in this time period guns are hard to make.

He lives on a sort of beach area, so while his skin is white I'd imagine it wouldn't be too white.

He's more of a book worm type, but he's not afraid to act his age and be reckless.

No problem. Not interjecting at all. I get your feeling of inspiration and it helps out the community, so thanks! :hype_01: The art is great, and yeah, you really got the smile down. I got the shivers from it.

Cool. I have a sci-fi story based around pro wrestling with a superhero three-woman team, Thrill Hill. I would love the leader of the group Cherry Hill designed. Hairstyle like Harley Quinn's, hair is cherry red. Long legs she kicks with, Has knee-high socks designed like candy canes, knee pads with cherries on them. Silly, jokester but gets serious during matches. A red grass-type skirt with cherries hanging from them. A shirt that say "Tough but Sweet"

Ellis would probably say he doesn't eat, just taste. The art is amazing! I absolutely love it! :blush: Thank you! The smile really does look “evil” and I can see the fear on his face when he does it. :heart_03:

popping in middle again..i see really unique ideas have come..2 days left for final decision .please stay tuned!

Here's a character I have that I haven't drawn yet:

- villain. Bad girl in high school who is a total bitch but with beauty queen tier looks.
- white / latina mix.
- tall and athletic
- arrogant, narcissist, thinks the world revolves around her.
- constantly validated by men. Can turn a Chad into a simp.

There's a quick character description... lol

Im really happy you liked it! Though I'm pretty sure Ellis would say whatever he needs to for the lady with the big flaming sword not to slice him up.

I don't have any character drawn yet :smiley:
But I would like to present here my main character.
His name is Token.
He's a half elf, brown-black hairs, elf ears, brown eyes, slim, small.
He wears black uniform with bronz details. He's left handed and as a weapon he uses spear.

Electra Mindwalker.

  • Stoic hero with no emotion by default.
  • Blue skin and orange hair down to her neck.
  • Tall, thin, young, and athletic.
  • her glasses do the anime thing where you can't see her eyes.
  • fights with a purple grappling hook in each hand.

Hey everyone, the post closes in 30 minutes. If you still want to enter a character, here's your last chance. The artist will choose one by the end of today.

I'll throw my had into the bucket.

Name: Vance
Age: 25
Hair: Dark brown and clean taken care of, Falls just above neck.
Eyes: Dark brown with gold speckles
Height: 6'4 and a bit on the muscular side
Clothting: Wears armor traditionally, but he normally wears a linen shirt and tan slacks. Additionally a belt with a sccabard where his sword is.
Species: Human? To be revealed ;D

Hey everyone. Thanks for participating in this event. Since there were so many with creative designs, the artist decided to draw two of them.

Inspired by @LostKelp 's evil smile, the theme for judging the winners is "Villain-like characters"

They chose one from a fantasy series and one from a more realistic series.

So, without futher ado: The winners are @bronte448 for our fantasy "villain-like" character and @kyupol for the more realistic "villain-like" character.

We will send you the full image in time and post a limited image on the forums with a link to your work. That way, if people want to check out the full image, they have to go wherever you post it. (If you don't want to use/post it, it's fine. Just let us know and we'll put up the full image in the forums.)

We will continue to do events like these when the artist comes back, so please stay tuned!

I'm glad I got to participate and thank you so much for choosing Delaney! I just wish I could have figured out the whole spoiler thing. So annoying...

True :joy: . I'm going to parade the art around if you don't mind. Though, I already kinda did that :sweat_smile:

Aw heck yeah man! Go ahead, as long as I'm credited and stuff it's all good. I'm really glad you like it! :hype_01:

1 month later

closed Oct 20, '22

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