11 / 12
May 2022

Haven't checked this forum in a bit. Hop on, see this. WALL of promotion!

I'm fairly convinced these threads do nothing. I could be wrong. But I've stopped wasting my time with them. I don't really have a point I guess, just.. this is a new level. lol.
I know we all gotta promote, and not be weird about it. But there's gotta be a better way. maybe.. just like. one thread? Or a bunch of genre specific ones, and you stay in your lane?

  • created

    May '22
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    Jun '22
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i think most folks have just muted it to avoid the wall of spam and theres already an official promo megathread made by staff but stuff like that still happens :confused:

genre specific threads could help but it's likely not gonna stop the cycle of ppl just continuously making new other threads with like super similar premises to each other. in a perfect world there'd be a better way to sort out the promo situation but for now it's just the same bandaid solutions and ignoring things unless they're genuinely of interest

I personally don't want to mute promotions because sometimes there are some good ones ^^ but my eyes are pretty good now in ignoring such bunches of threads :,D
And jeah, I highly doubt, they are of any use. It's like with the adds. If there are to many annoying ones, people are going to use blockers.

It's a real shame. I feel part of their ineffectiveness comes from the lack of attention Tapas is willing to give in favor of Discord. Lack of attention means no real solutions, leading to the current audience ignoring or leaving, plus the stream of new forum participants shrinking, resulting in stagnation and this seemingly desperate promotional posting that we see now.

That's just my theory though.

Most of the comics and novels I found on here and subscribed to were from promotion threads when I’m browsing them. I can’t always do that often because I’m busy and these threads compete for my attention, but they also compete for the attention of other viewers’. When there are so many threads, it can be difficult for anyone to keep up, but I also think there may be so many because the forums are under-promoted.

Promoting the forums more could make the community more accessible and encourage more discussion. It may also make promotion feel like less of a grind. Not everyone wants to use only an instant chat platform, and forums let people lurk and know what to expect before joining.

you know i do promote on these when i remember, but I would see the usual promote for (whatever month) and newest page promote. I just came back from over a year of being on hiatus and, the promote threads are kind of crazy...... there everywhere. :sweat_smile:

For me I promote on there because every little view counts/subscriber counts.

Also apparently they work which is a huge shocker. I stay away from sub4subs tho.

Best option is to just ignore. And I can't say I blame anyone for going wild with promos, tapas sure won't help you get seen, you gotta help yourself. Don't hustle, and your comic is invisible, do hustle, and a few people think you're annoying. One of these things is way less worse as a creator. May as well hustle

I'd like it if there were more genre-specific ones, but people really don't adhere to that. A designated thread for action fantasy will end up being everything but, with psychological horror, romance, comedy, etc. People jump at every chance to link their stuff, even if it doesn't apply.

I don't mind the creative ones (like: promote, but only with memes!), but I agree there are way too many of these and they're very rarely helpful. I've been lucky to get a couple clicks when I post in them. :I

1 month later

closed Jun 16, '22

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