1 / 44
Sep 2021

Drop a link to your comic or novel and the link to your Youtube channel. On my YouTube channel I mostly upload episodes to my podcast Geeking Around, but I do upload time lapse drawing videos too. Sub 4 Sub for Comic/Novel or Youtube Channel is welcomed.

Kira: A Star Wars Story Part 1

Geeking Around: The Webcomic

Youtube Channel Latest Episode

  • created

    Sep '21
  • last reply

    Nov '21
  • 43


  • 1.8k


  • 41


  • 35


  • 50


This is my work. I'm sure you'll love it as soon as you read it. If you like it, don't hesitate to subscribe

Here's my romance thriller novel.

Promoting my novel
Title: Talipandas
Type: Novel
Genre: Fantasy, Slice of Life, Romance
Status: On-going
Description: When spoiled rich girl Ari's life ends, she finds herself reborn as Princess Iris in a fantasy world created by her childhood imaginary friend! But being a princess comes with being the last hope to remove an evil curse from the royal bloodline, which would be a lot easier if she hadn't inherited the most useless kind of magic in the world.
Content Warning: two paragraphs of sexual content in the whole entirety of the book, mental health issues, and countless profanities.
Latest Chapter: Chapter 54.1: House of Hundred Doors
Chapter Link: https://tapas.io/episode/2281188

Other sites:
AnyStories: https://m.anystories.app/stories/60dd5281360c030013cacb50/talipandas
Royal Road: https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/43395/talipandas
POPINK: https://www.popinkapp.com/novel/200001216
Neovel: https://neoread.neovel.io/book/9168/EN/talipandas

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Manyana_Hobbit
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/manyanahobbit/

I used to have a youtube channel but I prefer not to think about that now lol

but here's my comic! it's short, so why not give it a read?

Here's my comic:

and my youtube channel is here:

here's my comic:

here's my comic on webtoon:

and here's my youtube channel:

enjoy! (hopefully)

Here's my comic :slight_smile:

Here's the webnovel I'm currently working on:

Thanks for creating the post Louis. Here! My webcomic Arcagen is getting new update (and new banner)

If you're looking for art tutorials (mostly in Spanish) check my youtube channel www.youtube.com/c/novanim

Here's mine

Here's my two comics!

Thanks, Louis. I am not promoting a Youtube channel, but I'll take you up on the other. Uploaded new episodes this morning. :grin:

Thank you to everyone that has posted and subscribed to my comics and YouTube. I'll start subscribing to everyone as soon as I can. I just ended up being very busy today.

Here is my weekly Sunday series. It will have a new episode by tomorrow morning! :smiley: