22 / 72
Jun 2021

I'm so close to finishing up the next page of my comic. But this is a little sneak peek at one frame :smiley: .

All for the shamelessness haha, after all isn't it why we're all here under promotions :wink:
This is my comic, it features all from A Phoenix-vaccumer to a Alien Rat on steroids and is about illustrating what Mental Baggage can feel like!

Anyone who may like my comic will receive my most faithful gratitude bows in appreciation

Shin's cute smile <3

my protagonist is long term babysitting

Here is a strong romantic attraction between Bellamy and Zefania. the problem is, will the relationship hold up after a secret that isn't known by the both of them is discovered...?

Here is our other comic.

Main Comic

Funny side storys