3 / 97
Mar 2021

Personally, I'm really proud of how my art has grown throughout the process of working on my comic. Sometimes when I am checking out someone else's comic, if I'm not super sold on the art, I'll click ahead to a random later episode to see how it evolves. I hope people do that to my comic too! So, if you relate to this, post 1-2 pictures of the art from the episode of your comic that you are proudest of, and a link to that episode of your comic! (Obviously you have to be okay with some spoilers.) Post a link to your comic, and consider subscribing to other comics too!

I'll go first:


  • created

    Mar '21
  • last reply

    Apr '21
  • 96


  • 4.0k


  • 66


  • 162


  • 50


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There are 96 replies with an estimated read time of 9 minutes.

Wow! I think this is great! Such a sense of motion in the poses and backgrounds. I subbed!

Looks beautiful and lovely idea for a thread! Don't forget to link your comic and socials in your Tapas profile - I went to see if you have an Instagram to follow...

I think my art has gotten better with every episode, but this episode has some of my favorite panels!

@evaadderley i love the color palette!! i think it has such a calm and comfortable color palette!
@thecrystalrook amazing sense of motion, it looks so lively, like it was really captured mid fight, great job!!
@MissEljebel i know ive said this before but juli is SO CUTE

this is such a good post op thank u!! love everyones work here!

since my comic is pretty much done, i just haven't posted all the chapters yet, i'll say the last chapter has the best art, although it is not on the site just yet, anyway here's some of the best panels (no text)

There are definitely pages that I still really love from Heaven Hunters issues 1 and 2. Pages 20, 21, and 23 from issue 2 come to mind. But I think issue 3's art is more consistent. Not nearly as many wonky panels. I think my favorite pages from this issue have yet to come, but so far I like pages 1 and 3. That pink lighting really pops.