68 / 73
Jul 2021

just updated today too : D

Hi. If you like Science-Fiction adventure/ action epics, I'm sure you'll like "HAVENFALL". With its time-jumps and non-linear storytelling, "Havenfall" focuses on a father's journey to heal his daughter who has been infected with a seemingly incurable, alien virus.

If you are interested in fantasy/action comics, you can check out my comic. Recently updated as well :slight_smile:

Hey, I'm working on a comic called Kin-G! I'll be reading everyone's comics throughout the day!

Hi. I'm just starting my comic but here it is if you're interested. It's a sci-fi fantasy adventure highly inspired by shonen manga especially hunter x hunter and one piece. I'll be checking out yours, it feels like a good story suitable for a game.

I currently have 30 subs, and I'm hoping my comic will grow bigger some day. This is a Sci-Fi, Action comic that involves psychic powers, but focuses more on the characters and how the existence of these powers affects them, or how they use it.

I'm also trying to reach new subs. Comic: fantasy/romance/drama
Just updated - new chapter :3

For your gay, fantasy, Robin Hood, eat the rich, needs

Hey! My name's Verbena, and I'm in charge of a little comic on Tapas that I like to call Raywood Academy! It's a big collaboration that features me and my friend's OCs, and I just finished fine-tuning all of the updates on Tapas for a better overall trading experience, so if you've ever wanted to give a slice-of-life anime parody of a comic a chance, now's a great time!

[Obligatory disclaimer: There's a lot of strong language out of the gate, as well as some deeper topics in later chapters. Content warnings are in place for these instances.]

Thanks a lot!


her we go again

If you need a sci-fi/fantasy fix with some naruto/dragonball style action, I'm your guy!

heres my comic

Here's mine! Hope y'all like fighting games

Here's mine!