23 / 115
Mar 2021

Hi! I'm Pony!

  1. See below
  2. My official location on tapas is "the eternal abyss" and I'm sticking with that.
  3. I like a lot of different music (show-tunes, steampunk, dark cabaret, folk rock, indie pop) Charming Disaster is my favorite band.
  4. On Tapas, my favorite comic is Gwendy and Ghost, my favorite Novel is Tragic.

Here's my novel:

-Hungary but my writer lives in Nigeria
-favorite song right now is gangsta by schoolboy Q
-favourite comic overall is bleach, currently black clover and kingdom
Here is my comic :smiley:

I love this! It seems nice to get to know everyone a bit.

  • I'm American
  • I live in Southern California/SoCal
  • I listen to a lot of different genres of music, but some of my favorite artists are khai dreams, the Japanese House, and RADWIMPS
  • I don't usually read novels on tapas, but my favorite webtoon comics are Salty Studio, Unholy Blood, and Marry Me!

If you're interested, here's my comic! It's a cute lil slice of life series

. I'm British.
. I live in the south west.
. My favourite musician is Bjork. I also like Gorillaz and Keiino.
. My favourite novel is Good Omens.

How nice! It's pretty cool to look at posts like these and get a different view on what you create.

  • Silesian/Polish
  • worst country in the EU (Poland)
  • Fave musicians: Yoshitate Kyōnosuke, Fall Out Boy, SPYAIR, she, Hans Zimmer
  • Fave stories: Fullmetal Alchemist, Tokyo Ghoul, Gintama, Bungō Stray Dogs

-East coast of the U.S.
-My favorite type of music has to be Classic rock!
-Favorite comic? Marvel and DC comics. It's a huge reason why I (along with some friends) create the comics we make

oh my god i also love the ella enchanted book!!! its so different from the movie, i adore the colorful and unique world of that story

Hi!! My name is Daisy and I'm from Eastern Europe. I am also queer (cool!) which is heavily stigmatized in my country (not cool!) so I write and illustrate a comic about people who are, as the tumblr classic would put it, gnc as fuck. And also queer! Yay! My favorite book is War and Peace <3 My comic is warm and cozy, a slice of life mystery about best friends and ghosts. Check it out!

Hey, I'm Vince. I'm an American, living in the state of NY. I like indie rock music and I dig this book, The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.
One of my comics deals with an RPG setting and these bard characters in a band as they get into high jinks~ Check out Dungeonpunk Sonata!

I am Bulgarian
I live in Bulgaria
My music taste is just such a mess, mostly stuck with the things I used to listen in my early teens - classic rock, disco, anime OST, ballet, punk rock,1990s/ 2000s pop, classic vocaloid,Marina and the diamonds... and I think the meme "when I put my music on shuffle" is the embodiment of it.
My favourite book - too many and my brain stopped working - mostly Pratchet's work, Dumas, bulgarian poets. I also read a lot of manga.

Hi I'm Ellie (she/her)! I am American and I'm from Colorado in the US! My favorite music would have to be... those English covers of Vocaloid songs on YouTube, or music from video games! My favorite fictional book is Life of Pi by Yann Martel!

Here are my two comics:

I like to pretend that the movie doesn't exist. Even though our sweet charming Westley plays a hilarious bad guy, the movie has nothing on the majesty of the book.

  • Brazil
  • Brazil
  • Powerwolf
  • Brothers Keepers rn, but my favor is fickle

This is a great idea!


-Texas, at the edge of a desert where the tumbleweeds roam. Or somewhere in my head between reality and imagination.

-I pretty much like anything as long as it's good. I've been really into lo-fi here lately though.

-My favorite novel is probably the Maximum Ride series (even though I hated the ending) and I'm really into manga so my favorite comics would be: Katekyo Hitman Reborn!, Tokyo Ghoul, Dengeki Daisy, Fruits Basket. It's really hard for me to pick just one :sweat_smile:

Wow, I love this idea! :slight_smile:

-I'm really into Korean r&b or indie bands. Current favorite is DPR Live. Anyone else a fan of his and his group? :smiley:
-Hmm... On Tapas, my favorite comic is Sagax by Starless (you should check it out sometime! :)) Favorite novel is Essence of Life

hi im bo
i am autistic, i have ADD and ADHD, i am trans (f-m) and i am pansexual, i am a true blue dck head (australian) i love working with my hands (i actually got the citizenship and innovation student of the year for the hard work i did while helping rotary build wheel chairs that are now in ethiopia) i love heavy metal, metal, punk, rock, punk-rock, alternative, and dubstep.
here is my comic

Depends. I like 3rd wave Ska, Indie and various things. I've been big into lo-fi stuff on youtube lately and I like alt-j
1984 for novel, Stormlight Archive for series, The Best We Could Do for graphic novel. I'm a big fan of true stories and memoirs in graphic novel form

Welp, I'm not doing much so I'll give it a go!

My name is Techno-Danger but everyone just calls me Tech. I'm an almost adult who's got both too much and not enough time on their hands. I'm also female.

In response to the thing above:
-Brisbane, in a trash can
-AJR. Just AJR entirely, you can't make me pick just 1 song when they're all so good! (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?playnext=1&list=PLwbwnBjppAJQPEvsR0GGY20Y_qdLSrt0b&feature=gws_kp_artist)
-I can't really choose a favourite story since I love so many so I'll just say fantasy, fiction, comedy and romance are my fav genres.

I have a slice of life comic where I dump random bits of my art called Tech's-Trash (cause it's all trash, believe me) and a novel where I write random short stories, either about my friends or about a world where my characters live in and some of their conversations and it's called Random Ramblings of a Rambler (because I talk too much).

Thanks for reading!

-Spanish (i dont like it tho lol)
-In Tarragona
-I love 70ies glam rock and rock in general. My favourite artists... i could say T.Rex, Michael Monroe and Patti Smith or the Runaways I guess. I also listen to pokemon music though hahahahaha
-too many to say? maybe Saint Young man is a comic I love hmmmm Utena too... I like too many comics idk as a videogame I have no doubt it is pokemon, animal crossing too HAHAHA (yeah im a pokemon freak)
I love cats and thats important too. And I'm an alternative fashion designer and a freak of alternative rock and japanese fashions

idk what else, I love demonology? the proof is my comic hahah:

  • American
  • Missouri, USA
  • Mostly Classic Rock, Prog, and Metal. Stuff like Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, Pink Floyd, Coheed & Cambria, and Tool.
  • Novel- The Lord of The Rings
  • Comic- Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on A Serious Earth
  • Manga- Bakuman