164 / 319
May 2021

My fantasty novel Centris. With cover by Red Lenai (The artist of Scarlet Society in Webtoon)

I have a new story that I'll be uploading every week. Magic, fantasy, nature, action and much more. I hope you can enjoy it.

My fantasy novel:

My short story collection:

If you're looking for an Ongoing Story of Desperation and Games where Passion, Personality and Potential Manifest Power, check this one out!

if you're into some fantasy/romance/mystery type of story, this is for you! :3

Mature, dark humor, and horror. Almost half way done :smiley:

I'm brand new here. I just posted a new series I'm working on. Fans of Death Metal may recognize our hero, but this series is for EVERYBODY. Super quick read and meant for laughs. Please share if you like it, and if you don't, that's fine too.


After a long hiatus, I've begun updating my novel. Would love feedback.

Just updated my novel, I hope you can enjoy chapter 4.

Just posted chapter 18 for my battle shonen novel.

Looking for some awesome folks to work on Guest Art while the comic takes its between chapter break to prep for next chapter! Got a few good ones from some really awesome artists, and still have plenty of time for more! https://forums.tapas.io/t/lostland-guest-art-wanted/58543/1

In my hand, I have a story.... A tale of luckless misfits who happened to be at the wrong, wrong place... at just the right time...

LOSTLAND is a supernatural, post-apoc adventure story following the tales of four travelers and the little twists of fate that bind them both to eachother, and to one man's grand design for this new world.

Prepare for crazy humor, intense action, and a touch of mystery, all rolled into a world that changes all who travel through it. Updates every Saturday.

If you've been looking for a scifi story told in a fantastical, well crafted world, and filled to the brim with kooky, creepy and loveable characters, LOSTLAND is that comic!

I just updated my series episode. If you're into supernatural, check out my webcomics.
Chapter 1 Episode Four is up! Click Me!!!

we have 3 stories on webtoon

if you like Drama and fantasy we got this one shot

if you want Horror we have this other One Shot stoy

and finally here is a comic on Webtoon me and the gang wrote, inspired by RoboCop and The Terminator series

My comic is about two bird brains one is a Red Cardinal named Random who is simply just random. The other is an Ostrich named Norton who enjoys messing with the comic world, which surrounds him. Here is the link.

Last time I posted on this thread was when I started! We're now many updates from that and with a long way to go!

Here's my series:

This Wednesday you'll be able to read a new update! Hope you check it out, and if you like it let me know! :wink:

Here is my novel, I update it on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. I might not publish one every day but I definitely try, I hope you like it, and if you guys could provide me with some pointers.

Thank you :slight_smile:
Here's mine

I'm terrible at forums but here's my novel, pls read if u like magic, gay, um, sad, and dragons. <3 (only one chapter up so far, but I've got 33,000 words written so the next one will be up soon(ish))