12 / 23
Mar 2024

This prompt is perfect because my latest chapter took place at night lol

Howard noticed the sad smile on Paul's face while he stroke his sister's fur. Silently, the elderly cat wrapped himself around Paul. Paul looked down and petted his uncle behind the ear. While the two often butted heads, there was no shortage of affection in their house. And now they were ready to extend that to a new feline family member.

It was not too long until the evening caught up with them. And that night, the three of them slept in the same room, Tuesday on her bed and Paul and Howard on the floor.

I pretty much always have at least one night time scene in my Trespasser chapters. And they are usually more relaxed and introspective scenes.

Chapter 01

Chapter 02

12 days later

As I close my own front door - flop onto my own soft blankets - forever disheveled with the floral sheets and pillows falling out of bed and having fever dreams as they hit the floor knocking themselves insensible, my head spins with excitement and soft misery.

I am such a mess…

Kattar’s pristine linen is burned into my mind’s eye as I cloak myself in my own…

When was the last time I washed these…?

I know even chair-bound he’s keeping his sheets changed twice a week.

And he’s right.

My hair wraps itself around my face and neck and pools on the cold pillow, the tresses softer than they have been for ages thanks to that much needed…washing…

I allow myself one heartfelt groan, covering my glowing face with both hands, the dark curls making their way through the crevices in my shaking fingers.

I swear to the Gods, sometimes the night sets in my book and then suddenly it’s night again :sweat_smile:

8 days later

Every mile of the drive to his place, the night seems to grow blacker.

It probably literally is.

Isn’t that science? Darkest before the dawn or something like that.

It feels weird to be riding the elevator this late at night - my mind is brought back to the award show - leaving that hotel we never actually spent the night in at a quarter to 8, wearing that blood-red dress.

It was already pitch black by the time we left for the venue because of the season - the sun set while we were getting me ready for the ceremony.

In retrospect it tastes like a warning - but retrospect doesn’t help anything.

Here are my stories,
This one about a guy with all supernatural powers possible and his path to become king of all supernaturals, and unite them under one rule
Read Eternal veil

If you do like, the story like and sub and maybe comment cause its the best you can do to support me. :slight_smile:

This one is about a guy abducted to become a soldier, he later gains powers and has a mission to protect innocent ;ives and people without the power to save themselves from the army military. if you do like this story please lik, subscribe and maybe comment cause it the best you can do to support me.
Read super soldier

10 days later

There are ghosts in the room.

One is a curtain and one is a long shadow that moves as the hours leak out of the day-

I think my eyes are open but I know they can’t be. It’s-


Nearly midnight or early morning I’m sure and for the first time in not nearly long enough I find myself dreaming about my mother.

The shadow waterboards me.

Not how she looked the last time or-

At the funeral, but way back in the recesses of the days, I thought I’d burned to ashes-

That’s another one of those…

Bad signs.

But I don’t have the energy to rage against that dark night.

I stare at the painted sunrise I see clear as the end of day on the inside of my eyelids as Mami kisses my forehead and prays over me-

Is it okay to admit I’m scared of the dark?

25 days later

Kat is lying propped up against the couch pillows playing on his Gameboy in a state of absolute zombification when I open the front door.

It takes a second for his eyes to unglue themselves from the screen, his gaze seeming to move through water as he glances up at me. Then his eyebrows knit together, his expression a canvas of mingled horror and disgust in mild shades of disbelief.


I can’t help but start laughing.

“Is that a plaid tee-shirt dress? Where do you even find this stuff? Why did you change out of the black dress?”

“Just wanted to,” I say teasingly, pushing my hair back. “Why? Why are you so stuck on the black one anyway?”

He manages to keep his expression impassive and disinterested, as he says flatly, “When you only have two tolerable dresses in your entire wardrobe, I think it’s only natural for me to try to mitigate the suffering you inflict on my eyes.”

(technically evening, but I'll count it.)

18 days later
22 days later

The phone barely has time to tell me he read the message before it starts ringing- but to my surprise, it’s a video call.

“Oh great,” I redden anxiously, pulling my blanket up over my tatty nightgown before I accept the call.

When I do, my screen lights up with the upper half of Kat’s body - white tee-shirt almost glowing in the odd diffused light - part of one arm raised above his head holding the phone, the other resting on his forehead. He’s lying on his bed amongst the almost black-pink linen - his hair spread out about his head like an ebony hurricane.

“Why would you choose to do a video call? Your arm’s going to be so sore in the morning.” I laugh.

“Ahh, I thought you’d still be lounging on that nasty couch of yours,” he chuckles, “But it’s been a while since I've been to the gym so this is my workout. I’m just going to have one buff tricep.”

"Here," she hands me a glass of milk and a plate of cookies.

"Thank you, Mother Heidi." I take them and shyly place them on the desk.

"I hope you feel better." She returns to her seat behind the desk. "You'll only be here for three days. Maybe you need to rest more."

"With your milk and cookies, I might just feel better tomorrow when I wake up."

I smile and her and she laughs. "That's the spirit!"

I look at the milk and cookies, and debate whether these would kill me or not.

"Go on," she urges me with a smile.

The milk, she could easily spike. The cookies, they're solid, so if she put anything on them, it would show. Powder would contrast the color, liquid would make it wet. Plus, she couldn't have made it in a few minutes; it must have been preprepared.


We're getting closer and closer to the truth. Join Azure in his investigation in Mother Heidi's Office as he roots out the real traitor in the Chapel.

Letter Addressed To The Fire is a story told through documents, articles, newspaper, letters, diaries, journals, and the likes, aside from the perspective of the main characters. It also explores the loneliness of Azure and Caramella Red, and how they found solace in one another amidst the chaos of their rivaling groups. Will they or will they not remain platonic...? That is for you, reader, to find out :wink:



Twelve years ago, Azure Skylar, the Knight of the Cross of the unparalleled syndicate, the Chapel, was favored by the Pope himself to work on a mission that would determine the fate of their entire group against their growing rival, the Empire.

Twelve years ago, Azure met Caramella Red Aberdeign and found a friend in her. For once, he knew rest, quiet, peace, and comfort. Little did he know that Caramella Red was also the infamous Sweet Crimson, the ace assassin of their growing rival, the Empire.

A mistake, a wrong decision, a missed opportunity, all wrapped in the same regret that led to the ink on paper weeping about all that should have been said and done before time came and went. A story inspired by Taylor Swift's Evermore, Letter Addressed to the Fire will take you to a trip down the star-crossed soulmates' memory lane and tell you about all that was only whispered in the wind twelve years ago.

25 days later

It’s ten minutes to ten by the time I’ve finished reviewing Shaun’s chapter, Angie’s edits, and sent the new edits to Ms. Lay.

It’s a quarter to eleven by the time I’ve showered, brushed my teeth, and put my hair into a dozen thick braids to protect it for the morning.

When I lay down, I expect to fall asleep immediately, but I don’t.

I can hear Mr. and Mrs. Holly arguing downstairs.

I guess he just got home.

I can hear cars outside honking their horns and screeching to sharp stops and my ears ring with each new stimulus.

50 more years of this?

Assuming I live a long life, I wonder how long a normal person could stay sane in this routine.

But I’m not normal. Probably not even sane.