Athena Perez
Hello! This is Athena, and I just want to share my novel and read something interesting on the side.
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- Feb 20, '24
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- Apr 24, '24
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- Jul 15, '24
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I'm a little nervous, but come at me bro!!
Honestly, the sucky part of this scam is that you think you got engagement on your comic/novel. But it turns out it is only a bot
I'm not so proud of the latest drawing I made, but I attempted to draw my character Howard, who is a Persian cat that can talk and walk. I feel like I could honestly do better though in making him a bit... sophisticated [image]
I felt pumped when my story hit 100 views! It's a pretty good milestone if you ask me, especially if you are new to Tapas.

I admit all of my OCs names are basic in Uncle Howard and Paul (it is set in the modern day in a supposed Filipino-inspired city), so I guess the most unique name is Brad, since you really don't see Brad being used as a girl's name. Brad's name is actually a nickname. We Filipinos, especially men,…
I think the colored halftones from the upper left version looks better than just using purely black ones. I think the colored ones add a bit of cuteness. Overall, though, the art is improved with shading in general.
For Uncle Howard and Paul, I originally posted Chapter 1 as a short story on Medium. I later made Chapter 2 and posted it on Medium again. I liked the concept and relationship between Howard and Paul so much that I decided to compile their adventures and publish them into a novel. I did not know whe…
Hey there! Here's a novel that I have been working on: It follows the everyday life of a walking, talking cat named Howard and his nephew, Paul. I recently released a new chapter and new character! The novel is episodic and slice-of-life-esque but it also follows an overarching arc.
Hey hey! I am currently developing a webcomic called Rosemary and Me, and I am planning to post it on both Webtooons and Tapas. I want to make sure my artwork is high quality when uploaded on both platforms, but I think they support different image sizes. What's the best dimension should I draw in t…
I've just started out in my novel-writing journey, so there isn't a lot of big moments (yet). But so far, I am proud of the progress of my world building. Mini Manila is slowly becoming a living, breathing city, and I can't wait to further develop it as the story progresses. I feature a lot of perso…

I have been reading everyone's replies and they all make me so happy. Your OCs are all gorgeous <3 Also, thank you to those who complimented Paul! I'll see if I can include more artworks in my novel in the future. You guys are so inspiring!!

Hey y'all! I recently bought a drawing tablet (impulsively) so I could start making webcomics again. It's been ages since I last drew and so I decided to warm up by drawing my profile picture and my OC Paul! [image] (I would have drawn my other OC, Uncle Howard, but I don't know how to draw cats…
Hello! My novel Uncle Howard and Paul is an urban fantasy slice of life story about a Persian cat named Howard taking care of his human nephew Paul. A little bit of romance here, a little bit of adventure there, and a whole lot of hijinks. Oh! And I just uploaded a new chapter for it, woohoo!
I'm on the same boat where I find it difficult to write character description without it appearing like an info dump. But if there are two things I can suggest is that first you should read, like, a lot. Reading how people do character description can help influence your writing style and make your …
Are you the type to write every single detail of your character, down to their birth chart? Or are you more of a go-with-the-flow kind of writer who develops details as the novel progress? This subject just crossed my mind recently since I realized I never gave my OCs basic information besides the…
This prompt is perfect because my latest chapter took place at night lol Howard noticed the sad smile on Paul's face while he stroke his sister's fur. Silently, the elderly cat wrapped himself around Paul. Paul looked down and petted his uncle behind the ear. While the two often butted heads, the…
Hmmm, maybe not born with it, but I may consider giving the kitty some sort of special abilities. No saying what it would be, but they would definitely not be powerless. (One thing's for sure, cuteness is gonna be one of this kitty's strength)
Surprisingly, this new kitten from Mini Manila is not cursed, considering just how magical the whole city is.
It does take a lot of effort to take care of a cat, especially a kitten. I raised my current cat since he was 2 months old, and boy is he a handful.
Hey there! I hope your story flourishes here on Tapas. You got my sub
My novel is more of an urban fantasy, where it take place in a modern city named Mini Manila. It follows the daily going-ons of a walking, talking cat named Howard and his shy, moody nephew, Paul.
Heyyyy! I'm currently reading Echoes of the Void too. I haven't gotten so far (sorry Wild Moon!), but I highly recommend it too. May I also recommend:
These prompts are always the funnest way to promote and share OCs. Paul: He is very much into guys who are more dominant than him, both physically and emotionally. He wants someone who can make the first move (he sure as hell won't do that!) and be able to push him out of his comfort zone. He als…
Going into the forest in the middle of the night, bringing only a flashlight, and looking for lost objects that are perceived as useless or childish? Are you sure Vlad isn't looking for pages and evading Slenderman??? (Kidding! Kidding. He sounds like an absolute sweetheart)
(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)
Wish there were more cat ladies (and gentlemen) who are kind enough to rescue strays like the lady you know. Maybe I might consider being one once I retired in my old age! (For now though, I'm focusing on taking care of my indoor cat and stray cat). It might be a cool idea to introduce a cat lady …
Oh no, I'm sorry for your lose. Also, here's hoping your situation gets better so you can adopt a kitty (well, that is, if you want to).
I'm all for the vet visit. You'll never know what a kitty has been exposed to while on the street. Maybe a few rounds of vaccination will also be good
Secret roommate is not a bad idea! Imagine all that meowing a little kitten would do. And imagine Paul having to stash cat food and milk in his pockets inconspicuously into his room. Things would get messy instantly!
Hey everyone! Chapter 4 of Uncle Howard and Paul just dropped yesterday. If you like slice-of-life fantasy novels with a talking cat, this might tickle your fancy <3
What's up folks? I'm about to embark on writing the 5th chapter of my novel Uncle Howard and Paul, and I want to hear from you guys on what you would do if you were put into Paul's situation. Let's say you're walking home from a tiring day at work/school, and suddenly you found a box in the middle…