Ni hao, Creators
Promote Your Work Here and I'll subscribe to it
It's good to be back. Actually because of some issues (not pressing though), I couldn't able to write and publish latest chapters. I mean, it's been a month, but hey, you are not here to read my ramblings, right?
So why did I create a new topic you'd ask? that's a very good question.
Promotion Of Course
Well, I want to notify my subscribers of new chapters and also want to show a cover video of my novel.
Latest Chapter 21 is out. Read Now
Secondly, You may not know but I designed the cover for my novel all by myself.
which looked like this before (I changed it recently)-

Sick, Rightttt?
I played around with Premiere Pro, and Viola!!
This is what came out -
Video with Sound ->
How is it? Sick Right?