32 / 158
Apr 2021

Thank you for the kind words! I don't really read contemporary works, however, and I'm not sure if a promotion to a platform for comics only would help me in the least, so I'm afraid I'll have to pass. I hope you find someone to promo with, best of luck!

I step away from the forums for a couple days and this is what I miss?!






Drama, Fantasy, Romance | Political Drama, Magic Fantasy, Gothic Romance (but the actual literary Gothic kind) |

If you're into Game of Thrones, Critical Role, Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl, Period Dramas, Edgar Allan Poe, and a grand ol' dollop of Jane Austen levels of t h i r s t, then there's a chance you may like this novel.

Setting: 1770-1780s (American and French Revolution inspired. :wink: )

Content Advisory: Adult Themes, Language, Violence, Some Gore, Death, Mental Illness.

I just had to take a moment to say 'hell yah' as my girl, Ophelia, also partakes in drugs, alcohol, and mushrooms, and how you said that really resonated with me and made me laugh; and, as another adult ADHD fever dream creator.

I mean, I don't want to brag...but I will. :slight_smile:

I am incredibly happy with how it's going. My Co-Creator and I just decided to throw up a first draft, and though we've cleaned it up here and there, it's still pretty raw. So if you don't mind the construction, I hope you give it a chance. I just uploaded chapter 65 today.

I am loving the novel and your style and would love to do a promo swap, if you're up for it! Gothic creepiness is my jam, after all. :imp:

Thank you so much! I just read a few of your chapters. I really like the premise of yours too and I will read more (slowly though as I am a college student :sweat_smile:). You're the first writer I have come across on here that has a similar writing style to me (the first person POV that switches between characters). I would love to do a promo with you ^_^

I know I had in my original post that I wouldn't do promos in my chapters, but upon further reflection I have changed my mind. I am totally down for giving you a promo in my next chapter description that will be released this Friday if that works for you. (This chapter is going to be marked mature for violence, racism and transphobia, so if you prefer to wait until next week that is okay too.)

Hi there! Quick question, are you only promo-ing comics? The reason I ask is because I have a novel that is slow burn romance, with a lot of character development, and a bit of action. I am not sure if it is "easy-english", but I don't use a lot of "big" words because my MC's mother tongue is also not English.

Here is the link if you want to check it out.

Yar, Yar, homie.

What'cha need me to do?

Want me to make a promo picture? (I'm trying to practice)

Okay, I think this Friday will be fine, and I'll make sure to include a promo for you on my Friday chapter as well! I've decided to do the promo in the chapter description too.
I'm really excited that we can work together to help each other grow! :slight_smile:

Awesome! Me too! I love supporting other creators ^_^
Is there anything in particular you want me to add to your promo? So far I have "Check out "For the Love of Satan" written by CuzWhyNot? if you enjoy BL, action and drama!" plus the link to your story info.

Wow, I've browsed through the first couple chapters and all I can think of is the French affair of the poisons. Ophelia is one step away from offering "inheritance potions". As a fellow history nerd and gothic writer I love the time periods that are influencing your work and would like to promote your work on my wall.
Hit me back if your interested and great work so far.

I think that's pretty good! Right now I have "If you enjoy slowburn romance and some mafia ties check out "Red Dragon Part 1: Broken" by ZakuraTheFungi" so if there's anything you want me to add let me know!

"If you enjoy slowburn romance with mafia and supernatural twists check out "Red Dragon Part 1: Broken" by ZakuraTheFungi" would be more fitting. There are mafia related themes, but it isn't as prevalent as the more supernatural aspect of the story so I would like for both of those to be mentioned ^_^

Okay! I totally blanked on the fact that you had supernatural things in your book, so I'll make sure to include that as well :slight_smile:

Wow we are set in almost the same time period. I'm also addicted to pirates of the Caribbean. Would you be down for a promo swap?

Mine is 1737 assassins and romance. I think some of our audience overlaps!

If you'd like me to add one, yes! You can leave the link here or DM it to me, however you prefer.

Here's mine (graphic design is my passion):