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Jan 2022

This Lovely thing is actually a Monster From my Webcomic Infinite Strike called NightCrawler. Wolf bats that attack in hords in the full moon. This Creature Will be featured soon in my Webcomic! It's one of my many monsters in the series but I personally like it because of it's eyes. Honestly, I can't wait to finally be able to debut this creature in the series...

and if you wish to see this creature eventually in my series come and check it out my webcomic

Fun story about the cucumber: It was drawn as a tease/innuendo.

I have a character in a different fandom who is a British art thief, and a friend of mine had a 5-alarm crush on said character. So I teased said friend with the question of "Hey, what if I drew you a picture of his...ah... 'English cucumber'?"

This met with enthusiastic interest... so I did.

...which was met with the sort of groans reserved for truly awful puns.

1 month later

closed Feb 27, '22

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