5 / 9
Jul 2024

Chapter 5 is going to mark the debut of a character I really like: Castor! They are an elf who is a researcher in the dark arts, a healer and an amateur fashionista. Castor's non-binary so their pronouns are they/them and their sense of style is based on gothic heavy metal with splashes of colour (namely purpose and gold since those are their favourites). They tend to dress more on the masculine side as dresses are not their thing, but they love make up, jewelry, nail polish and sophisticated clothes with pops of colours and/or patterns. So... go nuts with drawing this gleeful heavy metal elf your way and in an outfit of your choice~

The reward is that your character will make a cameo in chapter 6. It's not a competition. It's just for fun. Everyone's a winner as chapter 6 will involve a seen that requires lots of characters.

PS: As you can tell, or maybe not, Psychoborg is inspired by the 80s which also impacts Castor's style and clothing choice since their design is inspired by David Bowie. In fact, I imagine them with a British accent.

  • created

    Jun '24
  • last reply

    Jul '24
  • 8


  • 370


  • 1


  • 5


I will definitely have to get onto this one. 80's-style Heavy metal elf? This character was made for me! I've even already come up with an 80's metal band name for Castor: Cupidus Castorea (Eager Beaver). I probably don't need to tell you what their animal form would be in the Finding Daecon's Way world...

That sounds like fun! I look forward to seeing what you make.

Is there a deadline for this, BTW? I'm stupid busy for the rest of this week but am on vacation the next and so should be able to get something done