20 / 41
Sep 2021

For my December issue of Almighty Protectors (link below if curious), I'm going to have a 1-2 page splash of characters called in to help in the fight against the villains in my current crossover-hopping storyline (while my comic is superhero, the cameoed characters don't need to be, necessarily). This is meant to be a one-image thing, as the villains will see they're outnumbered and flee, after which the cameoed characters will be sent away (magically or through a portal, so they don't need to be shown leaving). What I would like is to include the characters as drawn by their creators, not by myself. So, if you want to participate, please give me the following:

An image of the character, facing forward, full-body (if they can fly, I would want them to be in the air in the image, in order to make way for the non-flying characters to not be too crowded on the ground), ready to fight but not attacking at the moment (since there won't be an actual fight shown), neither should they be running forward, and with a transparent background (so nothing in JPG--probably best to save in PNG)
The character's height (preferably in feet/inches, but not required, as I can convert from metric pretty simply)
The name you would like to be credited as
The web address you would want me to link to when crediting you (if it's your comic or novel, then the name of that would be nice, too)

No characters for which you don't have the right to use commercially (so no Pokemon fan-characters, for instance).

  • created

    Sep '21
  • last reply

    Nov '21
  • 40


  • 1.8k


  • 10


  • 23


  • 8


Awesome! I have a few other characters from different sources already in a picture, and it really highlights how short your character is. I've been currently scaling them to a 1:12 scale (1 foot of their height is equal to 1 inch of their drawing's height), which helps keep the proper heights consistent.

I'd gladly include him. Do you have a version with a transparent background? It would be so much easier if I don't have to personally mask out the white background.

I'll include him shortly, thank you!

Makes me think, I need to post updates on how the picture is looking.

I'd want all of the characters to be facing forward. Also, that image is pretty much the equivalent of rushing in, with the character blasting forward (or to the side, relevant to the reader) and I prefer to not have that (so the events that follow make it reasonable that nobody from the big group image can get to everyone else in that time).

@iHateFridays, just like a few above you, I was wondering if you had an image with a transparent background for him. And since it looks like he can fly, can I have him in a flying pose (even if it's the same pose but with wings outstretched)? The ground can get kinda crowded, so it can be nice to have as many characters as possible be flying (basically, if they can I want them to be).

@Aleus_arts, do you actually want to include something for me to put in, or are you just trying to plug your comic in this thread? This isn't really a thread for the latter.

Odd that said happened on your end, but hey, I got the image and will now get to resizing it and putting it into the group image. Might be shortly after that when I'll show how the group image is coming along.

So below is the image so far. Character placement is not final. One image is yet to be finished (it's cut off on a hand and a foot, but the artist is working on it). Also, currently the ground has much more representation than the air, but that's part of the reason I want characters who can fly to be flying.

Hello. I would like to include the character from my comic. This character is created and drawn by me.
- name: Puzzlewuff
- height: idk I think somewhere between 4’11 or 5’2 I’m not good with heights lol but she smol
-you can credit me as crimson_mystery_cake
- The series: The Blinking Box. My first chapter is still a work in progress. I am hoping to publish it in late October. I hope that this is ok and will not cause any problems.
-She is flying
-Let me know if there is any problems or anything I have to correct. Thank you.

I'm in the process of including both of those new ones into the image. Looks like I might have to expand the canvas size, with the inclusion of another character on the ground. But I expected I'd eventually have to expand the canvas, so it's all fine.

Yeah, he's one of three characters I included who I knew were open source and didn't need creator approval (the other two being Pepper, who's the one on the broom, and Metalen Meisje, the blonde lady with the darker skin). I thought it might be nice to include them, too, especially since my current storyline has crossed over with all three (granted Metalen Meisje is part of the October issue, but it's getting drawn right now and will be up before I know it). However, I know Lightbringer is a comic which is considered... not so good (even by Linkara), so he's actually placed as the only one who, if the comic would be in print, would have their face be in the fold of the book and therefore not really be seen.

1 month later

Updating this thread to say: It's not too late to submit a character if you want to! The cutoff is in a month, though.

Feel free to use Cernunnos (on the left hand side)
Height: 1 metre 50
Credit me as Stargazer31

Sorry, but I can't convert it to transparent. Idk why :frowning:

Well, what program are you using? Photoshop, GIMP, and such let you save a transparent background as transparent. Thing is, you have to make sure the background is transparent and not white in the actual image as you edit. If you do have the original editable file and the characters are on a separate layer from the background, you need to either delete or hide the background layer before saving.

Looking good! I added the white back to the eyes and bits of the ears before resizing. Thought you'd prefer it that way. Will post up what the image currently looks like later.

OH! Than may I replace my own render? I wanna swap out the bat for a metal one.

I can do that, sure. Until December 1st, I'll be able to edit the image freely. And that cutoff is just so that I don't get too distracted to actually post the issue that month (though I always post towards the end of a month--the nearest Wednesday to the 21st of every month, specifically).

You're talking about the render updates right?

I mean that I wanna update my character submission. Not too much, just replacing the wooden bat with a metal.

Okay. You just threw me off there, since "render" makes me think of 3D art, not 2D.