Neverland twitter.com/Sethstiel
Author of 30~ish works here.
Creator of her debut webcomic, Knights & Mages Online
Otaku. Yandere. Slytherclaw.
Dream it. Wish it. Do it.
- Joined
- Dec 24, '20
- Last Post
- Mar 15, '24
- Seen
- Mar 12
- Views
- 330
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Thank you soo much!! [:cry_01:]
Like you read on the topic, I need help with my 디자인리서치조사 class; (I'm a Visual Design student in Korea) I picked my topic as Tapas (yaaay!), but even tho I'm researching I have so many things left unanswered T.T 브랜드 가치관 철학 브랜드 제품, 서비스, 컨텐츠는 무엇인가? 매출규모, 시장점유율, 실적추이등 TRANSLATION; What is Tapas' brand…
[image] I really really want him like a low grade, dorky (ex) Yakuza. I hope this design works, please give me some constructive criticism, I really need it. Because Rein has to be my comic relief who is older than my main cast (which is why he sometimes feels like he's being left out but never h…
[image] I really really want him like a low grade, dorky (ex) Yakuza. I hope this design works, please give me some constructive criticism, I really need it. Because Rein has to be my comic relief who is older than my main cast (which is why he sometimes feels like he's being left out but never …
Danny was one of my crushes when I was really really young ... along with Peter Pan [:sweat_02:]
Believe me when I say I dont know why the hell in earth I started the lineart from the shoelaces I also do think that it's a lil weird, especially when I look at my draft like that.. lol If anyone has theories, I'm all ears [:sip:] [image]
Praparing for next chapter..... [image]
I'm no pro but preparing character sheets like these might help ^^ [image] [image] [image] Or maybe answering these kinda questions about them; [image] . [image] . [image]
So do you guys use Clip Studio Paint Assets? or better.. do you upload assets? Cause I started sharing my workspace, body shapes for free
and I'll start sharing my poses too ^^
You can promote YOUR assets in this thread too ^^
Woooow I miss these templates~ Oh yeah I'm back ^^
Imma copy-paste my previous post here so; I use Clip Studio Paint all the time It makes my life sooooo much easier with its models lol I recommed everyone!! Sorry about my messy workspace btw [image] Is a one time payment ^^ [image] . I think the best thing about CSP is its free asse…
Shit just got real [:sip:]
My art is inspired by a lot of artist I stalk on twitter but the main inspiration for my comic was an anime called Sword Art Online. I believe there was so many possibilities with the theme but they just didn't.. took their chance..? Idk Anyways, I'm inspired by the anime, I even put couple of par…
I use Clip Studio Paint all the time It makes my life sooooo much easier with its models lol I recommed everyone!! Sorry about my messy workspace btw [image] Is a one time payment ^^ [image] . I think the best thing about CSP is its free assets site tho I feel like I need to clarif…
LOL [:rofl:] Yep I laughed at the ship joke hahahhah And ofc your ship doesn't have to be romantic, this is an open zone for all ^^ [:coffee_love:] Btw the last one only asks hypothetically, I mean if there was an occasion, which one of them sacrifice themself for the other one? My characters do…
Hiiii~ I'd like to participate in this if you're okay with my characters~ (I'll add their character sheets too so you can take a look at them ^^)
•Comic name (for credits) Knights & Mages Online (aka KMO)
•Comic icon (for the credits)
•Your creator name (for credits)
Low key wanna bring this back cause I love reading about your canon or noncanon couples~
This would be AWESOME! [:rofl:]
Hii!! I'm really glad to see you here~ I also go through inactive times now and then but I definitely know youu~ And yeah, we've last seen each other in the LGBTQ thread ^^
Sameee!! I also think that!!
Btw show me your Seth!!
SAD omg [:rofl:][:rofl:][:rofl:] Btw I definitely remember you from your name!!
Awwww this makes me emotionall [:cry_01:]
Oh I'm much much better, completely healed!! Good as new ^^ It's so sweet you remember the thread!! [:cry_01:] How about you how are you??
Awww!! Yesss my fun-templatesss!! Wooow they're sooo old thoo~ I'm so happy someone remembers them [:cry_01:] Btw I definitely know you, I remember liking a lot of your posts and comments ^^
Ooooh~ Show me your OC!! I'm wondering which of my characters share a name with yours ^^ Btw I definitely know your avatar, idk if we talked either but I'm pretty sure we liked each others posts ^^
SAD Club Forever!!! [:cry_swag:] [:cry_swag:] [:cry_swag:] Awwww thank youuu!! When I'm stuck, I always trust your help tho hhahahha Thanks again and again for the skirts hahah Also, yeah, sometimes it can be awkward to say hi but I really wanted to make a space for that cause I really rea…
Sssshhh you're more productive than me