52 / 90
Aug 2021

@fleurravenbooks nice to meet you again, we subbed each other, but hope it's ok I join :smiley:
Keep up the hard work and hope you gain more subs :beers:

Owen Moriarty: has a loving relationship with Evlyn (mom) and Doland (dad). His parents have always been supportive of him. He shares similar hobbies with his father. While life at home is usually peaceful, he does feel hurt when his dad and big brother Evan get into arguments. As a 13 year old boy the story reflects his transition from following his parents' decisions to making his own decisions.

Evan Moriarty: in his childhood he had a good relationship with his parents. His real father Lachlan went MIA leaving an Infant Evan and his mom Evlyn behind. Lachlan's brother Doland stepped in to assist Evlyn and the two eventually fell in love/ married. Doland and Evan had a good relationship initially, till Evan felt Doland was too dominating. (Doland and Lachlan had a close bond) Evan and Doland have strong, contrasting personalities that evolved into arguments. This caused Evan to drift away from his family. He loves his mom and brother but hates Doland. He may also be annoyed that his mom allows Doland to take charge in decisions.

Xun : he is an orphan with no memory of his parents

Amèlia: she's got a good relationship with both her dad and her mum, maybe she's a bit closer to her dad, as she was always his favourite of their two daughters :stuck_out_tongue:

Lucifer: it's complicated and I can't say much because spoilers; I just can say if there's something like a dad to him, the answer would be eternal hate :joy:

Tumael: "who the hell are even my parents and where do I even come from?"


A very interesting one bc it's also kind of important for my Main Character !!

Toby has a bit of a complicated relationship with his mother.
He loves her dearly and does everything in his power to support her, since her job barely covers the neccecities and she suffers from severe depression and alcoholism. But at the same time, Toby doesn't like being around her, bc she can be very gruff and mean and doesn't show a lot of affection towards him. it's why Toby rather stays outside in his free time than be at home.
Since his father vanished when he was 3, he has no memory of him.

Rob: His relationship with his parents is good. They're pretty much in the background and his mom is the main one to show up in the series so far, but they offer him support when necessary.

Daniella: Her and her dad have a bit of a strained relationship due to him moving them from New York all the way to a small town in Texas. Daniella doesn't fully understand the full meaning of why he did this and how much she may have needed the change, so she sorta resents him.

Henry: His parents are constantly at each other's throats, so Henry doesn't have a very high opinion of them at times. He wants them to stay together and he hopes that he's enough to keep them from splitting apart, but he feels deep down he may not be enough.

This one would be a big Yikes for my MC. Right now he has no memory of his childhood due to amnesia but once he remembers his youth, especially his family, he's going to wish he hadn't. So, whilst in the spirit of trying not to let loose some important future story bits. His relationship with the one parent he did have in his life was not good at all.

My story(web novel):

Inspired by works such as Ghost in the Shell, Ergo Proxy, Serial Experiments Lain, and Akira, Technocyte: Beyond Human follows Detectives Beatrice Alice Moreau and Jay Lee Jones, an amnesiac man named Sherlock Lawson, and a mysterious young girl named Mina in a cyberpunk/ dystopian like setting as they uncover the truth behind Sherlock's elusive past and his connection to the Technocytes, enhanced humans who are able to morph metal around their bodies and manipulate technology, and the organization responsible for creating them known as SANCTUARY.

My oc neon has a good relationship with his mother but not with his father and brother (they don’t approve him being into guys) and my oc Alioth has a good relationship with both of his parents

Well, both of Kovreil's parents died when he was a kid... but he did have a good relationship with them when they were alive. They were very caring parents and he still fondly remembers them all these years later, even though his feelings towards his childhood are quite complicated.

Jade: Doesn't know her parents! She's dead, and can't remember anything about them really. But sometimes, when she's lonely, she thinks that she can feel a hand on her shoulder, or someone saying something softly. Never anything exact, but it's there.
Jaime: His mother passed away early in Jaime's life, so he doesn't really have any memories of her. His father Ramón, however, he was very very close to. The two regularly went camping, fishing, and hiking, and in general spent a lot of their time together. Jaime often forwent trying to get friends his age in favor of spending more time hanging out with him. He didn't take it well when Ramón passed away.
He does not have a good relationship with Jude.

Polela have a great relationship with her mom but don't know her dad (because he left after mating season cause that's how polar bears life cycle works and sadly if a random male polar bear finds a den with the mother and cubs they'll eat the babys if they successfully got pass the mother bear [I think]). After Polela have left, her mother develop a relationship with her best friend and dated for more than 4 years afterwards. Polela knew about it because she get calls from them often and it becomes part of her daily basis when she get calls 5 times a week so she have to keep a phone on her that all times so she doesn't miss them.

This is Helmut! He's basically a medieval latch-key kid. His father is always away to gather peat and Helmut firmly believes that he himself was birthed out of a flower.

Thanks for this opportunity to share my comic. It's a comedy about a young teen and his friends.
Plyr: he has a stressful relationship with his father since all he wants to do is throw a ball and his father never taught him.

each of the main heroes wish they had a relationship with their mom, each were ruthlessly taken from them shortly after their birth(see chapter 3 ) but their technical father(the main villain) they want to stop his tyranny, so they don't really want anything more to do with him