51 / 151
May 2018

No jumping to conclusions. Just wait until there is something you want to do with your work... create prints or books or other artwork, make cute things like keychains, plushies, etc... advertise it... have the story go in a different direction than you originally intended...

And then realize you aren't allowed to do any of those things.

Like I said, for some people that's fine. But I personally can't imagine not being able to do what I want with my work when I want. For me, loss of any control is the same as zero control.

Another conclusion, let`s turn it into a question......

¿Do the creators have a choice in the matter when it comes to merchandising, printing books, advertising, etc?...

I respect that. Is up to you if you prefer to work on your own or with somebody else. Some people prefer absolute control and will do the logystic work by themselves (and hire services when needed).
Wish you the best on your projects!

Creators should have absolute choice in regards to all of those things.

I'm not sure how making speculations is making "conclusions". Two completely different things. I just think it is important for creators to know exactly what they are getting into before they get into it. In this case, from what it sounds like, you will be making the story and the art, but at the end of the day, Tapas will make the decisions about what happens to your story and art.

Look at it this way... say you make your comic and then Tapas decides to make a deal with a publisher that you don't like. For me, that would be Viz. So say Tapas decides to publish my comic with Viz, but then Viz sees that there's a panel of my comic that doesn't adhere to PG-13 standards. Instead of changing the rating, Viz instead asks Tapas if they can censor the panel. Tapas has the full right to say okay on that even though I am someone who personally is against censorship of any sort and would never allow that to happen to my comic.

Again, SPECULATION. Theoretically COULD/MIGHT happen. But creators should be aware when they sign a contract that this situation could be considered okay within the contract and if they don't want it to happen, then they should negotiate the contract or walk out on the deal.

This exact situation happened with the creators of Cyanide and Happiness. They actually walked out on a TV show deal because they couldn't negotiate the contract and were not given enough control over their content.

In my experience as a premium creator, Tapas are very respectful of artistic intent and care a lot about its creators.

But if the program doesn't sound like a good deal to you, that's that. Just don't apply.

Creators almost always follow their original pitch and we'll usually jump in if there are pacing issues (because of the 24-25 episode length) but the direction of the story is in the hands of the creator. Our involvement ranges from being a sounding board for ideas to being a creator's personal cheering squad.

A co-production with us is typically 50/50 ownership. It's a partnership. If a deal is approached that a creator isn't okay with, we don't pursue it.

:point_up: :point_up:

pinned globally May 22, '18

Actually, writers can participate if they have an artist partner. I made a forum for artists and writer to get together so they can enter the incubator program, check it out!

I very recently (as in a month ago) started posting an original comic. When I heard about the incubator program I knew I wanted to apply, but was unsure if I would be eligible because I have already started posting my comic. However, I know I would be able to post more frequent, better chapters with the resources this program offers.

Thanks for any clarity you provide!

My artist and I were getting ready to write our bios, when the thought occurred: Do we submit two bios, one for each of us? And also, do we put our bios into our pitch, or in the "About Me" section of our Tapas profile?

We will be utilizing a form for submissions and there will a section where you can put both of your bios.

Since this one is for artists, when will there be one for writers? Like you know send in scripts, story ideas, etc.

You can send as many concept art pieces you want as long as the .zip file they're in is less than 25 MB.

Yes! :slight_smile: