17 / 159
Jan 2021

???: Idols, eh? said a mysterious teenager leaning on a wall in the room

advance towards the group of people

???: the last time I heard that word, it earned me the honor of making a fool of myself in public on stage.

a young woman passing in the hallway hears the young man's voice

???: Cousin?

the boy gave me a weird face as if he had recognized her voice. But feared it was the person whose voice he thought he recognized

???, after opening the door: Cousin Ynnnn! *ush towards him at full speed and come hug him suddenly *

Yntchéone, embarrassed by the suitation: Ahhhh! Let go of me !

???: No no no ! shaking her head like a playful child

* but finally a few seconds later she let go and stood in front of him while he ... *

Yntchéone, annoying: No but oh, it's not to jump on people like that! And then, for the last time, my name is YN-TCHÉ-ONE (pronounced in-ché-on). Not Yn (in).

???: Ah, but it is? You are the idolz, are you?

Jae: *standing up and making a grand gesture at his friends * We are the IDOLZ7~!!! :smile:

Sang: He means yes. Also, cool name. Very chic.

Sunni: *stifles a laugh * Anyways, glad you could join us! Where are you from?


*Jake and Damien both tensing at Tara’s question before breathing an audible sigh of relief *

Jake: Going to Mars would be fun. Hmm, I could try all sorts of things there... I wonder...

Damien: *clearing his throat *

Jake: Ah, right. I guess I’d want to spend the day with my family. Assuming Damien was coming with. Why are we going to Mars, again?

Damien: To be honest, I’m just trying to figure out how anyone *side-eyes Sang * could not like peaches. They’re amazing and it’s not a design flaw. *huffs out an angry breath *

Jake: *smirking * Sooo... everyone’s favorite fruit?

Damien: *muttering * Now it’s peaches.

@ApplesOverIndia @NellieVP318

Mitta: Mars?? That sounds like a lot of... scienceing. But my last day? I would, man, do everything! I want to see the Eiffel Tower, and eat sushi - like real sushi, not gas station sushi or whatever passes for it at American restaurants - and dance with boys, and-

Margarita: Whispers Mitta? There's more strangers, let's go.

Mitta: You're staying. Now answer the question!

Margarita: Fine, if I was going to Mars, I'd spend my last day... packing. And I like pears. Happy? Can we go?

Mitta: Nope! I like avocadoes, if that's a fruit, or (glances flirtily at Sang) peaches. Do you guys have any pets?

@lunagraves714 @SignedA @kmlangleyauthor @NellieVP318

Sang: *crosses his arms over his chest and rambles off in Chinese *

Myung: Dude, at least complain in a language we know.

Sang: Haven’t any of you watched Parasite?! It just proves peaches are the worst!

Myung: I feel like there were bigger takeaways from that movie...

Sang: Whatever! I prefer strawberries!

Joonie: *perks up at Mitta’s question * Does a pet rock count?

Sunni: :unamused: Okay...what’s your favorite movies?

@NellieVP318 @kmlangleyauthor @ApplesOverIndia @SignedA

Yntchéone: from the planet Nova? Why ?

???: And me, I come from a planet that looks like yours (alternative planet earth), Sunnite, except that there are some things that did not happen like here.

* Yntchéone watches Sang persistently *

Yntchéone: And I dream where you made fun of my first name?

Damien: See? Mitta gets it! Peaches are awesome! Thank you!

Jake: *trying to deflect the attention away again * No pets, unfortunately. Maybe after college. Classes take too much time. We should definitely get one after we graduate, though.

Damien: *finally distracted from his peaches fixation * Yeah! That sounds like fun!

Jake: *nodding toward Sang * Strawberries are good. Can’t go wrong there. My favorite movie [waits for author to check notes] apparently depends on what mood I’m in. I have a pretty wide range of what I enjoy. And Damien will watch anything because he falls asleep about three minutes in.

Damien: *shrugs * It’s true. I cannot stay awake during movies. *glances over at Jake * I, umm, used to play the piano when I was younger but it’s been a while.

Jake: *eyes popping open * I did not know that! Wait a second... how does one “kind of” have a magical bird, Amelia? How is it magical? What does it do? Can I see it?

Damien: While they discuss... birds... would you rather go swimming in a pool, lake, or the ocean, and why?

@NellieVP318 @SignedA

Mitta: Thank you, Damien! And a pet rock totally counts! I went through this whole "phase" in middle school where I would paint rocks and them leave them around the neighborhood or school for people to find. I like to think some people found them and kept them. Movies, though - maybe Legally Blonde?

Margarita: I don't really watch movies that much. At least, none no one else has watched. My mom only really had Spanish movies, so I've watched some of those. Placido was a good one. And I played the clarinet for awhile - not my thing.

Mitta: We should stop at a movie theater or something - you've missed so much in the world.

Margarita: Is this a surprise at this point?

Mitta: Well, no. But anyway! No instruments here, though I always thought the guitar would be fun to learn if you didn't have to cut your fingernails so short. How did everyone meet the people you came with?

@lunagraves714 @SignedA @kmlangleyauthor @NellieVP318

Yntchéone: No! I do not have pet.

???: Me neither ! But ... And Wag then?

Yntchéone, surprised: how's that Wag?

???: looks at him as if it's obvious what she means

Yntchéone, realizing what cousin said: Wag is NOT A PET! She's a member of my ... Not, of OUR family. taking a calm voice It's just that she likes to stay in her meta form.

Amelia: *To Jake He's is out my house right now. I still have to train my bird to figure of the full effects of its power. Answers to Damien Oh, I love to go swimming in a pool, through I don't mind a lake or an ocean.

Leticia: Argh, pool.

Chantel: Lakes are awesome to swim at!

Darren: I'm going with pool. Have you guys ever been to a concert before?

???: Yes Yes ! Cousin Yn, play the guitar!

Yntchéone: yeah, a little.

???: what are you kidding, you became the composer of your boy band because of that!

Agony: tie between The Stepford Wives and Jawbreakers. Love the music in that one.

Thesis: I only like Swedish art films, I doubt you would recognize the titles. ignores Agony fake retching in the corner

Duenna: Meet Me In Saint Louis. Such a lovely picture. Oh! and Little Women!

Motif: Citizen Kane. sweats Cough, Slumber Party Massacre 2, Cough.

Sequel: starts grimacing

Yntchéone and ???: eh? What is that question ? looking at Damien

???: Anyway, come to think of it ... starts to go off in her thoughts as she talks I can't really go to the pool without the paparazzi or the hysterical fans chasing me ... so he would stay the lake or the ocean. Hmm, I choose the safest: the lake! And you ? after turning his head to look at Yntchéone.

Yntchéone, confident and categorical: None!

Damien: I love going to concerts! Pretty much what I did all through high school! I’ve honestly been too busy since college started though... Babe, we should go to a concert soon.

Jake: That’s fine with me. I haven’t been to a ton, but concerts are great. *pops a cheesy thumbs up * Anyway, Damien invaded my personal space at school one day and hasn’t left me alone since then.

Damien: *gasping melodramatically * You make it sound so horrible! *laughs * Although that is, technically, correct. You just looked so lonely.

Jake: I mean, I was, but you didn’t have to broadcast that to the whole group. *hides face in hand * Favorite dessert. What’s everyone’s favorite dessert?

@Pony_wearing_a_hat @ApplesOverIndia @SignedA

Myung: How did we meet the people we came in with? We were all connected through International Super Stars Entertainment or ISSE for short.

Min-Soo: I think I’d like to swim in the ocean...beaches are so peaceful.

Tara: I hate swimming. :worried:

Sang: As for the concert question, most of the concerts we attend are our own. We rarely get time off.

Sunni: Favorite dessert is probably mochi ice cream~. What are some of your hobbies?

@NellieVP318 @kmlangleyauthor @Pony_wearing_a_hat @SignedA @ApplesOverIndia

*Feeling that she has things in common with the Idolz, she begins to talk about their artist problem *

???, speaking to Sang: Ahhh ... don't tell me about it! Time is a precious commodity that I rarely get with my job as an intergalactic singer.